HahahahahaDon't worry about the heat of the summer. That's the best time to raft down the Salt! It's so damn nice and cool in the water. It's soooooo fucking relaxing! If you're lacking melanin in large quantities, sunscreen is mandatory.
Well, at least I'm a cook, so I can get as stoned as I want and as long as I do my job, no one says shit!
Im loaded up on inkbird stuff and mine i got for free!Too true!
Good morning @Mossy - hope you and Mr Mossy are ticketdy boo!
Strange weather over there for sure, 17 must feel like an arctic chill these days to you
Today we have cold again - but Inkbirds working their magic so I dont have to do owt!
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Got up late again, need to go and sort out the ladies before lights out in a bit.
no worries mate, glad to see you having fun.I really wanted to thank all.you guys for the reps!!
I really don't post for reps it's more just to be sociable
So if your thinking when the F is he gonna shut up...
Sorry I'm wicked behind
Thanks @Mossy @Badfinger @Olderfart @DCLXVI @Cannaficionado @WildBill @Lil Dab @PinkyNotTheBrain @JP1 @Frank the Dank and I hope I didn't miss anyone...
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Small world is all I’m gonna sayI seriously had this chick once in this little shit hole convenience store in sodas point NY. middle of nowhere NY big apple picking country.
I grab a 3O pack with my buddy willy. He's Irish Irish a tad pale, I'm dark as can be.
So I puts it on the counter (It like 10:55 am) and I shit you not she looks at me and proceeds to say
"I done you stupid Mexicans once already we don't sell beer b4 11 am" with this disgusted look on her face .
I was floored but my mouth don't miss a beat.
The place was full...
In my best Boston accent I says are you freaking taking to me?
Willie rolls his eyes cause he knows me.
She realizes her mistake instantly.
She figures it fine to talk to anyone Mexican like that but ya know anyone else it's a huge mistake.
She goes oh your from Boston like the red Sox just sweet as pie.
I say oh ya real nicely.
She goes oh sorry bet you guys ain't big Yankee fans .
So I says oh ya I'm actually I huge yankees fan. In fact I'm such a big Yankees fan I'd like to drive thier bus.
Willies trying to rush me out the door.
She's says really really.
Willie's like let's go Kurt let's go.
I says "oh ya. Right off a fuckin cliff cause I figure they're probably all racists asshole like you"
Willie's dragging me out the door getting ready for a brawl all at the same time.
Her face is white as a ghost, 2 guys are looking like they wanna kill me but I figure she had it coming. And maybe just maybe next time she'd at least watch her mouth and be nicer she ain't no better than anyone else.
We get out to the truck and Willie's like man I need a beer I didn't think we were getting outta there not bleeding
My buddy kietho Faso owned a house right around the corner from there. His mom an dad (union electrician real nice guy) owned a house right on the lake. Everyone else there was really nice.Small world is all I’m gonna sayPretty sure I know exactly what store your talking about