I've heard that they're fake grove bags on Amazon. When I ordered mine they came in an unmarked green bag. Just says grove bags on the shipping labelI try to order direct but for convenience its nice to have that same or next day shipping...and I give them money monthly because I also have prime.
Uh huhI'm partial cause growing up if they didn't call me Capn Kirka (or kirka) , it was Curtis Mayfield
I gotta find these so I can try what you guys suggested. That's what I love about this site is all the cool I do and ideas and of course joking around!!I've heard that they're fake grove bags on Amazon. When I ordered mine they came in an unmarked green bag. Just says grove bags on the shipping label
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I remember shipping was crazy expensive, so order a bunch
Uh huh
Wait a minute, where did you get my picture?Miss Mossy, as long as you are looking...
Let me know if you run across one of these. But they have to be able to take orders without rolling their eyes
View attachment 1556326
Never ask questions you don't really want to know the answers tooooo...Wait a minute, where did you get my picture?![]()
why not eh, always works as a parent...And I get to Vet the next one...