Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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So if your using peat (with dolomite lime added) and say rain water with a PPM of 5 and your fertilizer has Cal Mag in it (MC 1 part) do you still recommend adding Cal Mag to 50 ppm b4 adding the fertilizer which already has Cal Mag (not during normal watering just when fertilize/fertigating)?
Or is this overkill??

View attachment 1555892
No, Dolomite lime is a slow release form of Ca and Mg and if the soil/peat was blended properly to start with you should not need to add any more calmag than is already in the Megacrop.
I don't know that solo cup looks pretty good! They are very difficult to keep happy.

Yes that is correct. When you FEED (Fertigate) with RO water that is less than 10 PPM starting you should add in about 50 ppm of cal-mag prior to mixing in your other nutrients. Mix this in well in advance of adding the other nutrients. I do it the night before I mix my feeds. Remember you do not want to add cal-mag when just watering the soil. If you are in coco you should not be watering at all. You always Fertigate Coco to run-off to waste.

Fertigate = water plus ALL of the other nutrients in balance.

Is your RO filter still working? The membranes wear out and you need to replace the cartriges from time to time. Just check the starting PPM if it is 50 or more the membranes need replacing. In all likelihood your meter will not read below 50 PPM most do not.
Yup getting the hang of watering the soil vs feeding it and I had been kind of careless with the calmag but this just put me in check:kissass: :naughtystep::thanks:

and also thank you very much appreciated hope I can keep the soil girls as happy maybe it is just the RO system shitting the bed but it tests below 50 ppm <20 actually which I trust testing it my Apera EC60 it has three point calibration :face: but I'd have to look up the threshold:gary:

Yes I believe it is good but I noticed pressure is a bit low so I do have all new membranes here/coming all are here just waiting for the sediment filter to come it should be here this week I have been waiting to change till I have all filters in hand
Yup getting the hang of watering the soil vs feeding it and I had been kind of careless with the calmag but this just put me in check:kissass: :naughtystep::thanks:

and also thank you very much appreciated hope I can keep the soil girls as happy maybe it is just the RO system shitting the bed but it test bellow 50 ppm <20 actually which I trust testing it my apera ec60 it has three point calibration :face: but I'd have to look up the threshold:gary:

Yes I believe it is good but I noticed pressure is a bit low so I do have all new membranes here/coming all are here just waiting for the sediment filter to come it should be here this week I have been waiting to change till I have all filters in hand
Save those new membranes because 20 PPM means they are working fine. If your starting tap water is really bad then changing the carbon block filters will extend the life of the membranes also.

:worship: I gave up trying to grow in different medias at the same time many years ago. I could never keep what I was doing straight. Damaged more than one plant feeding the wrong mix :rofl::rofl:

Now I only run 1 reservoir for all six plants and they all get the same feed schedule. They do not always like it.
Save those new membranes because 20 PPM means they are working fine. If your starting tap water is really bad then changing the carbon block filters will extend the life of the membranes also.

:worship: I gave up trying to grow in different medias at the same time many years ago. I could never keep what I was doing straight. Damaged more than one plant feeding the wrong mix :rofl::rofl:

Now I only run 1 reservoir for all six plants and they all get the same feed schedule. They do not always like it.

Thanks good to know that was my thought also but was paranoid so I ordered them all... I for sure planed on changing the sediment, carbon, and DI resin... I hold the membrane till next changing...

:toke:Yes it gets confusing but I am stuck/torn which way I like growing... Kind of like having the reservoir and just feed every time with the coco... I know I have never feed the soil girls the coco feed :nono:
Now I only run 1 reservoir for all six plants and they all get the same feed schedule. They do not always like it.

Indeed. This will be the last time my solos are on the same reservoir as my full sized pots. Even when they are both in coco, the tighter pots behaved differently later in the grow, particularly with pH. In this grow, once the roots in the solos packed in, the pH drifted up, in the large pots, it drifted down. Late in the grow, the two pot sizes need different fertigation pH, IMO, so next time, separate reservoir. :pighug:

I know that lots of experienced growers say don't sweat the runoff pH, but I beg to differ. If the runoff is out of bounds, it means that the medium is too, and absent doing something about that, trouble will continue. IMO of course. :biggrin:
Indeed. This will be the last time my solos are on the same reservoir as my full sized pots. Even when they are both in coco, the tighter pots behaved differently later in the grow, particularly with pH. In this grow, once the roots in the solos packed in, the pH drifted up, in the large pots, it drifted down. Late in the grow, the two pot sizes need different fertigation pH, IMO, so next time, separate reservoir. :pighug:

I know that lots of experienced growers say don't sweat the runoff pH, but I beg to differ. If the runoff is out of bounds, it means that the medium is too, and absent doing something about that, trouble will continue. IMO of course. :biggrin:
Reading run-off is good for watching trends it is not so good for pinpointing issues. It works ok in hydro but in peat or soil it really is useless IMPE.
Hey man that's just freaking sacrilege. The tone in those things is positively insane
A real vintage used one would easily fetch 3,000 for a 10 watt amp the reissues are like 1,200 bucks and who knows if those have the proper transformers, and speaker to really deliver that tone.
I bought a cheapo burgera class A and positively love that thing. In fact I originally bought one for my step dad due to his advanced age and it's light weight.
5 minutes testing it b4 wrapping it for him was all it took.
I ran out the next day and bought myself one.
There's something just magical in the tone those things have
I can't imagine what a proper vintage fender would sound like

I have a 69 Fender Silverface Twin and a 1970 Ampeg VT 22 Blue Line and a 73 Orange 50 watt head. All mint condition and never gigged. Love them!!!
I have been pondering my experimental 8/4 8/4 schedule. The fertigation schedule will definitely require some hands on effort. I will have 4 watering times available to each daytime schedule and normally I fertigate to 10%-20% run-off by the end of the day using 8 watering times. I don't want to run up to 40% in 24 hours down the drain. I think I will shoot for 10% with each light period. Once I get the logistics down the timers will do the work :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I guess I over exaggerated and hadn't check my starting ppm in awhile just assumed it was over 10 it was 7-9ppm last time i checked and it still is :cooldance::yay:but I am changing everything BUT the main membrane it's almost been a year on everything all new 4/11/22

RO ppm and EC



Tap water ppm / EC :yoinks::wall:


you can see the DI resin is pooped and sediment filter has seen better days too it should be white and the Di resin should be dark brown :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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