Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I swear I tried to clean this up but I almost coughed up a lung I laughed so hard when I saw it that it's killing me not to post it.
If it offends anyone I apologize in advance. If I get thrown in FB jail someone come visit ...

Oh and I needed pH down for my store bought spring water TDS 25 pH 7.1. I used citric acid cause I had a bunch kicking around from beer making. I know it's an organic weak acid but it's what I had ....
Lots of people use citric acid. My fox farm ph down is citric acid......concentrate but still.
Watching The Hobbit. How u buster n missy doin? today? :pass:

The kitties are snoozing, and not that bad of an idea!

I just got done blasting a bunch of covenant, worked up a thirst, couldn't be cotton mouth from CDLC.......
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