Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Ahhhhh, some freshly pressed meph wedding :hookah:
My Swordfish is tickled with all Meph girls live rosin. Easy to get past the Ort Cloud and well on the way to the next universe, especially with some GreenDragon coconut infused coffee.
I really need to shake muh Night Owl Mangos N Chem. It should be very productive and high quality. I can recover some more worked media for more GreenDragon. Probably good for another 4 infusions. I can get more oil and increase the potency. It's already stout as hell and I love the taste. It has a great taste.
Mangos N Chem should kick ass! I still haven't squished Knows Candy flower. I think it's gonna be a knockout. I'm just gonna test the waters with it. The rosin should hit harder. Fuggin flower hits hard enough!

Fugg it! I'm gonna check fer more babies and then I'll do a 4g squish and test the results.:eyebrows:
Wife came home with a new toy on Friday we’ve been wanting one of these for a few years now to go on our kombi tool… she said this year was it and has had enough of racking stones in spring :wall: The kid a the dealership assembled it all backwards so I had to flip every thing over good thing I was a Stihl tech when I was there:doh:

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Should have bought this thing sooner makes life pretty easy little heavy but lot better then raking wife is running it too:cooldance::woohoo1::yay::woohoo:

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Whut duz it do? Chunk rocks?
Well we had a fire in the front of our apartment complex today.....I had to shut everything down....till the landlord was a gas fire in the wall behind a stove.....they just ran new lines to mine....but the apartment is ruined...they sprayed Hella water.....
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