Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I have not been on here for awhile, finally figured our the .org move. I was wanting to buy a couple more autocobs, but it appears the web site is gone and I see that it has pretty much dropped off this site. Anybody know what the story is and if autocobs are even available anymore? Thanks.
My old Suzuki sidekick about halfway thru its transformation to a woods crawler...
Well i finished another search for the stuff i misplaced when I moved rooms and i have no idea how i managed to lose it. I even checked the Christmas decorations :doh: so I gotta rebuy all of my outlaws and rebels pictures and a couple books. Nothing really valuable except the Bonnie and Clyde newspaper clipping. And now I can't remember all of what's missing :haha::bong:
Night Owl grow is slow to progress. 2 of the testers have been stubborn. I've gone through the paces and checked soil levels, and all else is on PAR.

Conclusion :
The last batch of Happy Frog I just purchased seems almost completely sterile. So I have spent the last few days feeding it several different strains of beneficial Fungi, and bacteria.. Then in a day or two, I will replant the empty pots.


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