Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I saw like 6 robins yesterday thats when around here we know spring in right around the corner.
Lots of robins, flocks of blue jays. You know spring is springing when every field has geese in it.
Must admit.......sometimes I feel like slapping lugs and saying FFS.........Grow Up.............:crying:...but..that's just me.........:shrug:...I'm Old.....
I won't have it @Mossy


All of our rural postal delivery people drive our normal left hand drive cars , but from the right hand seat, LOL, left leg and foot over the hump doing gas and brake so they can reach out the right hand window and put the mail in the mail box..... :rofl:
We used to get the 6 cyl old postal jeeps for 100 bucks a whack!
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