Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Did you sorta have to give away your 4th Amendment Right, by signing affirmative to any sorta 'Come on to your property with no warrant' thingy?
You're not a business that has any effect on the public, so there's not a public concern.
I hope you guys didn't have to do that. There would have to be strong 4th Amendment Right safeguards, if I were to even think about that crap.
If it's legal to consume, then it should be legal to grow without permission FROM the government, especially medically!
I take those rights to heart! I gave my young life in support and defense of the Constitution. I just can't tolerate any sort of infringement.
Key words in the beginning of the oath:
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (STATE NAME) against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Must never forget that!

dude, all i know is i can legally grow weed & to hell with all the rest :rofl: :joy:

mmm, but seriously....:rolleyes2: i don't do politicz, but if ur really interested & wanna know, i'd suggest downloading a pdf of article XIV of the missouri state constitution & read thru it....all 39 pagez of it :rofl: :doh: (section 1 pertainz to medical, section 2 is for reg full rec) i'd hafta read back thru the particularz meself, but in a nutshell, i do know that protectionz against illegal search are still in place....meaning that they can't jus come bustin in ur door becuz they heard thru the grapevine that ur growin weed....they still need a warrant to do so....but regardless, before anything, they're suppozed to make a simple check on the system first, to see whether or not u have cultivation authorization, be it medical or full rec, either or

and as far as needing the state'z "permission" to grow & the associated fee, it all boilz down to this -> they figger that if ur growin ur own, then u ain't goin to the dispo, and therefore, they ain't gettin none o' the tax money u'd spend at said dispo....u know as well as i do they ain't gonna let ya do nothin for free, so....that'z jus the way of it & i for one have no prob with it....but that'z jus me :shrug: even tho we have full rec now, i still kept my med status in play, simply becuz it'z cheaper over the long run....i jus renewed about a month ago & even with the online dr appt, i paid $165 & that'z good for 3 yrz now, versus $100 every year for full rec to be able to grow....simple math ;) ppp

I'm waiting till I'm able...the wife is going to get everything legit once we get a no issues...probably one inspection and have it in their standards...then boom let them go.....have my secret basement grow and legit outdoors...we're from same state...

i'd suggest u familiarize urself with article XIV as well, so as to make sure any outdoor growing area u have fully meetz the requirementz ;)

I rent so you can't get a license

anybody here can get one now for a full rec personal grow....simply a matter of applying online for a "personal cultivation registration card" & paying the associated $100/yr fee....ez pz :thumbsup: ppp
dude, all i know is i can legally grow weed & to hell with all the rest :rofl: :joy:

mmm, but seriously....:rolleyes2: i don't do politicz, but if ur really interested & wanna know, i'd suggest downloading a pdf of article XIV of the missouri state constitution & read thru it....all 39 pagez of it :rofl: :doh: (section 1 pertainz to medical, section 2 is for reg full rec) i'd hafta read back thru the particularz meself, but in a nutshell, i do know that protectionz against illegal search are still in place....meaning that they can't jus come bustin in ur door becuz they heard thru the grapevine that ur growin weed....they still need a warrant to do so....but regardless, before anything, they're suppozed to make a simple check on the system first, to see whether or not u have cultivation authorization, be it medical or full rec, either or

and as far as needing the state'z "permission" to grow & the associated fee, it all boilz down to this -> they figger that if ur growin ur own, then u ain't goin to the dispo, and therefore, they ain't gettin none o' the tax money u spend at said dispo....u know as well as i do they ain't gonna let ya do nothin for free, so....that'z jus the way of it & i for one have no prob with it....but that'z jus me :shrug: even tho we have full rec now, i still kept my med status in play, simply becuz it'z cheaper over the long run....i jus renewed about a month ago & even with the online dr appt, i paid $165 & that'z good for 3 yrz now, versus $100 every year for full rec to be able to grow....simple math ;) ppp

i'd suggest u familiarize urself with article XIV as well, so as to make sure any outdoor growing area u have fully meetz the requirementz ;)

anybody here can get one now for a full rec personal grow....simply a matter of applying online for a "personal cultivation registration card" & paying the associated $100/yr fee....ez pz :thumbsup: ppp
Thanks for the info..I'll get legit soon...
BTI powder. Blend it right into your water.

Gnatrol -

Thanks I'll have to get some
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