Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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You apologising...................................or Bragging...................?.................... :crying:

Have you had the Hoss out.....?

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Neither, simply stating the truth....LOL but could be both, :rofl:

The Unicorn is resting, Herr bong and meph wedding are having the workout!
if you use a softener be careful... high sodium can be a problem with water softening... might be worth the faster wear time for better quality. Water can actually "memorize" the structure of what it is exposed to and even if that stuff isnt there it acts like it still.

IIRC water softeners are often just ion exchange "columns" or cation (+) exchangers cause it's Ca (2+) and Mg (2+) are major contributors to hard water. So the "column" traps the hard water ions and releases a "softer" ion Na (+) . So yes you'd be adding sodium ions if I'm remembering right. I have heard on some sience podcasts (not bro science) that addition of quality biochar inhibits salt water damage to plants. I'm not clear what percentage of salt was in the water though I did hear it was successful at varying concentrations that severely damaged the control plants
They also would feast when he would find fresh roadkill, especially big stuff like deer. Whole other world but you gotta do what you gotta do. At least he was keeping them fed 🤷🏼‍♀️
I've helped a friend skin a road kill deer. The tenderloin still tasted great no matter how it died provided it wasn't hit there..
I will say that when my buddy told the Newton fire dispatcher he wanted that deer she said in all her years on the job she'd never heard anyone say that one .
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