Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I got Sunshine on a Cloudy day........

Can't wait for this march madness to get the f done, the one sport I hate and detest bordering on the psychotic,,,when i was a wee preteen my dad would drag me to Syracuse BB games all the time even though I hated it, so I played true sports like lacrosse and hockey just to spite his love of BB, LOL
Lacrosse is so much fun tho. Never played the right way tho. I went to school in Uptown and they used to have a pretty big indian( native American but call themselves indian) and west african populations and theyd play in the alley so u add in being able to pass off the wall. Jackin peoples garbage cans for goals. Ended up covered in road rash tho :doh:
Lacrosse is so much fun tho. Never played the right way tho. I went to school in Uptown and they used to have a pretty big indian( native American but call themselves indian) and west african populations and theyd play in the alley so u add in being able to pass off the wall. Jackin peoples garbage cans for goals. Ended up covered in road rash tho :doh:
Now that sounds like a blast!
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