Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I been smokin on my boss's harvest and this dude sucks at growing. I finally just packed 3 bowls and the bong and smoked in succession cuz its just the only way to get high off it. But im finally there and don't feel like ripping my shoulder off.. Aaaaand its snowing i better not have to shovel til tomorrow
Lmao my lil sisters boyfriend buys that commercial overstock shit that makes its way here in bulk to sell but he will still come pay $5 a g for untrimmed larf to smoke as his personal! :crying:
I'm torn between telling hubby and keeping it a surprise, as far as where we're going lol. I was talking to my mom and she was like "wait, he doesn't know where you're going?" And I laughed and was like no of course not lmfao
Personally, I'd like to know to prepare myself mentally. I'm not great with surprises or changes to my routines in general. The wife however is pretty much down for whatever at any time :pass:
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