Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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We made bread yesterday cause I was trying to keep her distracted lol. It was a super simple recipe and it came out meh. Very crumbly, would probably be pretty good toasted with butter. The other loaf had chocolate swirled through it and though it was still meh its gone already lol.
I been smokin on my boss's harvest and this dude sucks at growing. I finally just packed 3 bowls and the bong and smoked in succession cuz its just the only way to get high off it. But im finally there and don't feel like ripping my shoulder off.. Aaaaand its snowing i better not have to shovel til tomorrow
Almost time to go yay

We made bread yesterday cause I was trying to keep her distracted lol. It was a super simple recipe and it came out meh. Very crumbly, would probably be pretty good toasted with butter. The other loaf had chocolate swirled through it and though it was still meh its gone already lol.
Sounds like you're missing the bananas 🍌
Ok guys, I need some growing advice. Not pot, but its close so maybe someone will have good advice.

I have 2 containers of 12 cells each of coco coir that I've started strawberry seeds in.

I plan to grow them in the small containers for 6-8 weeks until its warm outside.

The coco obviously has no food in it.

What would you feed?

Some hydroponic fertilizer? Like masterblend lettuce strength?

Or some alaskan fish fertilizer, since you supposedly can't burn with it. I could mix some of that up dilute and bottom feed it.
Just worm castings should get most plants from seedling cells to 1st transplant
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