Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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He was going to spend a several hundred bucks on buying me a necklace to match my earrings, I told him I'd rather do something instead. So fuck it, we're going to the fancy cult resort and we're gonna sit in the hotsprings and play in their arcade and have a fancy dinner and get massages and all that lol.
Gonna be a cold af hike but oh well lmfao
This looks like an old folks home.
Lmfao well, it's a pre-revolutionary resort so kinda? Wonder if it's haunted lmao. Definitely fancy, gonna have to pack tomorrow so that'll be fun lol. Not our usual kind of thing for sure but it should be pretty relaxing at least. Definitely gonna pack the bourbon kush and my vape for sure lol.
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