Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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You're welcome - to be fair i've done very very very little to contribute towards the ORG movement - it's wwwillie and hobbesey that have had the sleepless nights!
I'm totally happy to take loads of credit though :rofl:

Happy Friday @blue ............
...#SnowHugs ..........
Good morning @Mossy! 🦄

Happy Friday @Talonxracer ......don't let the Kitties outdoors for a few days until they get used to their new home........


And...don't let that damn Un.i...c...o...R.....N Late........


Thar she Blows...............
I wish I knew the context that excerpt came from!

Holding a gun to a mushroom?? Is that after taking mushrooms? Your mind can play tricks on you and even more so if your tripping balls!
Mushroomd can't talk, it's just your head talking to you on mushrooms!
Holding a gun to a mushroom is folly and may hurt you refrigerator if the gun goes off.
Shoot a mushroom and you may find your omelette tastes funny.
Is it possible there is no name for God as the idea of God is just conceptual.
It could be that everything in the multiverse is connected and that our individual consciousnesses, are the centers of our own personal universes and when those consciousnesses connect because they are after all, all connected they form what could be called God?
We are all gods with a small "g" and by this I mean, "we are not the all knowing, omnipresent, male deity which is often referred to as God".
We all create our own realities in our minds and we are receiving hundreds of thousands bits of information every second but we can only process a tiny fraction of that information. Further more if there are parts of information missing in our conceptual neural narrative, the brain fills in those gaps. so sometimes what we remember, is in part fictional, created by our minds, within our personal universe.
Mushrooms help us see more than we can in our everyday perception.
We are often more scared of our own perceptions than those put on us by society.
I guess it all depends on how you see yourself,how you see society and how you see it seeing you and how you perceive the universes within the multiverse!
I hope that helps, it is the best I could come up with at short notice!
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