Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Hey @blue =^_^=
I've never hugged anyone in Space Suit before but get your ass over here and we will give it a go! :bighug:
Thank you for the rep:d5::pass:
Thank for the kind words of encouragement!!:bighug::headbang:
Yes I did see it, it is mostly suited to "side growers", like oyster mushrooms.
You need proper ventilation to the outdoors, as oyster mushrooms produce insane amounts of spores, which can be hazardous to health.
Breathing in tons of spores at goo for you! A respirator is a must when mushroom farming, when they are fruiting and near to harvest.
For those who haven't see Laundry Basket Tek here's some pics!
BTW any slighlty different way of growing mushroom is called a "Tek" slang for technique.
It does my head in, imagine if it was the same way with growing canna, we would call Fimming "Fimming Tek" or low stress training, would be "LST Tek" But it is what it is and none of my irascible grousing is gonna change that!:crying:

First Oyster mushrooms Spores
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Oyster mushroom spores dangling from the fruits.
Their spores are produce in such numbers they can clog extraction fans in not correctly sized and cause burn out of the fan motor!
So you really don;'t want to breathing them in, or you may eand as one of the shroom zombies in "The Las of US"!
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Mushroom Zombie from "The Last of Us"! Don't worry it is total Sci-Fi nonsense and isn't possible. Our bodies are too complex, unlike ants and caterpillars, which can succumb to cordyceps infestation.

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Cordyceps fungus in caterpillars
The caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis, is the world's most valuable parasite. It's a relative of the tropical fungus that turns ants into zombies, but unlike its infamous cousin, it is found only on the Tibetan plateau, where it infects the larvae of ghost moths

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Cordyceps fungus in ants

Laundry Basket Tek
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This Tek, is suited to "Side Growing" mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms , as opposed to "Top Growers" such as button mushrooms.

My dad just told me yesterday he bought a couple logs from a lady at his dialysis clinic that have some sort of mushroom spores already imbedded in them, just have to put them outside in the shade.
@DCLXVI Possibly back for a minute! :crying:
Thank you for the rep bro!! Much appreciated!:d5::smoking::bighug:

Now to open a can o worms!:rofl:

Just like a pit pony, I have earned my place in the sun and now can gallop around in grassy meadows.
I've done my heavy lifting and my legacy remains in the posts I have made in the past, which still help people out to this day,when they need some good advice.

I have been coming to AFN since the start, when there were only around 20 members but just as a lurker initially, as I was modding another canna forum at the time!
I then moved to AFN full time and in that time I have held a number of post in the Mod family!

I was heavily involved in the Auto/Bud Warriors and helped manage a majority of the Live Interviews, one of which was the AFN members interviewing me, It's still there in the Live Interviews section, for all to read!

There were times I worked my finger to the bone supporting AFN and it's members often putting in 16 hour days!
I tell you this because many people have no idea of my sacrifices for the common good of the forum.

I have seen literally 100's of members come and go and many of them are now not with us because they are now breeders and seed sellers!
Many just left and never returned, for what reason, I guess we will never know why.
My thinking is they learned their grow skills here and then went to play with the big kids on larger forums.
In this modern world of social media it seems loyalty counts for nothing and it is easy to just throw away those, who gave you a leg up and taught you how to grow!
Many people owe their grow skills, to AFN and that is just a fact!

I still keep coming back, unlike many of the Ex-AFN'ers, who I no longer ever see here.
I was here when Mephisto were in their infancy and I won their secret santa for all my work I gave supporting them.
I think their story in still in AFN somewhere and is well worth a read.

These days I come and go as I please and leave the hard work to those newer and often younger members.
I of course salute all the old timers who are still here doing great work such as Mossy, Blue and Waira and all other Mods, who are true old skool AFN OG's!!:salute:

I thought I would mention the above, as there are many members who are relative new comers, even if they have been here a few years.
The reason why?? Well when I do pop up, I often get remarks about me popping up and disappearing, or how I am like a satellite with an elliptical orbit, so now you know why.

You could say I'm in my dotage or out to pasture but the truth is I have many hobbies and interests that take up my time!

Currently I am studying mushroom cultivation, which gets quite deep into the science of mycology and I still have a lot to learn.
I am also looking at starting a medicinal mushroom growing business, I already have people who want to buy Lions Mane from me, which is good start.
So I'm currently buying mushroom growing equipment, with which to grow with and it is not cheap.
Have you seen the price of Laminar Flow Hoods? They aint cheap, let alone all the other stuff like autoclaves etc!

So if a minute or hour or what ever, is all I have to give right now, then in the words of Ricky - that's just the way she goes boys, the way she goes!
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:headbang: I will always remain an AFNer in heart & spirit!!:headbang:
:weed:Viva la FN and all that grow in her!:weed:
I’m a lifer! Scanned a few when I was starting. Found AFN and settled down and grew my roots. Now as I grow in my hobby, I thank all those shoulders that were the support I needed to continue. Thanks AFN! Thank you to all the OG AFNers who, without them doing the hard work in the early days, this site wouldn’t exist for me to learn, help, and fellowship with others of like mind. Thank You @arty zan , @Mossy , @blue , @Mañ'O'Green , and all the other OG’s ! YALL ROCK!
Hey @blue =^_^=
I've never hugged anyone in Space Suit before but get your ass over here and we will give it a go! :bighug:
Thank you for the rep:d5::pass:

Put a hand round the neck line when you hug........that was just a wet suit until we got @blue in it....Methane Floats...........

Just sayin.........:pass:
Morning everyone and welcome back @arty zan missed you around here :vibe::bighug::pass: I did mange to get back to sleep and got caught up on sleep again feeling pretty good this morning been up for minute.. Now I got to head out and clean up the slush that accumulated overnight.. Don't think there much more then 6-8" but it is wet heavy slush :wall::joy: Then got to come in and tare apart the washer and give it a very throughout cleaning seems the last time wasn't good enough and it's plugged up again :goodluck::hump: Then once all that's done it should be time to play with the girls and finish what I started last night scoping:cooldance::yay: So yes it's gonna be a busy day I'll be in from time to time but not for long :headbang::pass: also Happy Caturday everyone:kitty:
Here's a thought. Could you say just get your bags of soil in advance , open them up and toss in a pot popper and let it do it's thing. Would they just multiply and continue to eat/infect them till the soils clean. THEN put the soil in your pots already with a serious healthy population of nematodes
My media always gets 'cooked' in some form or fashion in totes and to some degree in the Earthboxes. It depends on the media I'm using. Fresh media just gets DynoMyco or other mycorrhizae, HumiChar (Micronized Humic acid and Biochar), inoculation of bennies from active compost, EWC or past grow media..............key word is active. The moisture level of the media is adjusted with compost tea with Recharge and a half teaspoon of molasses/gal and a surfactant. I put a little chicken crumble on top and top that off with some bokashi. This doesn't need to cook very long. Two weeks is fine.
Used media is just as simple(sorta), but I let it cook a grow cycle. Making sure the media going in the tote is at the proper moisture level is the very first step. I try to take my EB girls when they finish the rez to keep the moisture at a better level. I mix my amendments in and top as above. Moisture level is maintained with the compost tea and Recharge. Totes are stirred about every 3 weeks......about the time the bokashi has run its course of vigorous growth. Moisture level adjusted and topped with the same combo. While stirring, I feel the heft of the media. With as much compost and EWC I use, I need to add aeration sometimes. About two weeks before use, I'll intro the mycorrhizae.
The media sorta cooks in my EBs. When I pot them up, I add my first top dressing and build my nute bank. I water the amendments, top with bokashi and put the cover on. I let them sit for a few days. I check the life under the covers. It makes it just that much better environment for a young seeding and maybe spot bad bugs that may have been introduced with the compost or EWC in building the nute bank.

Having a healthy living media makes it harder for the bad bugs to get established. That's why organics has always made sense to me.

That last statement had me thinking back to my farm and how I could have grown some canna back then. It would have been easy between rows of tomatoes, the way I grew them, although it would have cut down on total light a little. Given the size of that Asian Haze in shitty light, I'd better make sure I had a bumper tomato crop!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm high AF!:frog::funny::funny:
I got the Bonsai pot out and I heard the Gnomes get quiet, the moment I dropped a Seedstockers Thunder Banana into water they were already in the pot partying!
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I got the Bonsai pot out and I heard the Gnomes get quiet, the moment I dropped a Seed Stocker Thunder Banana into water they were already in the pot partying!
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Good luck on you Thunder Banana Grow!!
Gnomes huh??
Cue music.....

Did someone mention Underpants??? No...? Oh well too late now! :rofl:
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