Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I've always used a Tote for a reservoir.
What do you use?

Same I use 5 gallon buckets or 20 gallon totes for any feed... Big fan of the craftsman's tote or brute totes found at lowes:cooldance::headbang:
I used to make necklaces out of those beads and string em with fishing line and sell them for lunch money when I was in middle school :crying:

Time for for me to go to bed too stoned :dizzy::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:
Really feel bad for you folks up in the North....I'll try not to stub my toes in my flip flops while wiping the sweat from my brow over the weekend.
1st day in tank, shorts and flops...:vibe:
It was 82 when I went to get the kids today, I've had the AC on all week :face:
Work is pushing hard for us to come back into the office. Bosses boss has a big ol' boner for having asses in seats.

So I asked "So...what supports making this change? Has productivity gone down? If I'm not mistaken, we were all told productivity had gone up since we started working remote."

Boss - "No....just.....*something*....*something*....synergy."

Me - "But everyone I work with is overseas, theres literally no point in me coming in to talk to the same people in India that I do from home."

Boss - "You also hear people talking, lots of chatter in the office! So you know what others are doing."

Me - "Yeah dude you are REALLY not selling this to me at all."

I apologized later for busting his balls in front of everyone. He clearly feels the same we do, he just has to do what his boss says.
Office chatter is a *huge* distraction, so his argument is just making him look wrong lmfao
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