Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Sorry guys, I tried to catch up from earlier, but my arthritis just won't allow it. Also, it 's better to save my hands and fingers for the things I need them for the most. Again, I'm sorry for the posts I missed! :peace: :pass:

Well, I'm pissed, home sick with covid. Got it from a coworker, who knew he might have it last weekend but worked with no mask, no test and came to our super bowl party sunday. Then lo and behold, Tuesday he's got a positive covid test and can't work this week. And right on the 7 day incubation schedule, I get sick... hopefully I get over it quick. And at least I've got a nice jungle vibe in my tent to keep my spirits up, lol
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Hope your back to your old self soon! Sending healing vibes! :vibes::peace::pass:
Too bad he didn't have blue cross blue shield better perks....
:crying: :rofl::crying:
Well if no one else is going to say it .... seems like a job for the head nurse! :rofl: :peace: :pass:
I was the beer boy. I was 5 or so when I started popping the top and taking the first swing. I think Pop eventually, once the novelty wore off, wished he'd never started with the top popping n first swig thingy. :rofl: :eyebrows: :biggrin: ,
I can still see and hear him as he held up his beer to see the level, "God Damn boy! Did ya leave me any?":rofl::rofl::rofl:
He said that in the beginning. That shit backfired on him too!:rofl:
It was when I was actually making a significant impact on his beer, did things change.
The words were the same, but they took on a totally different tone and meaning.
It was when he would do the preemptive, "Be sure to save me some." when I popped the top, I knew I had won. :cools::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
My late father was a working alcoholic and his cure for a whiskey hangover was too mix beer & tomato juice. For his 2nd drink, he would put a little more beer than tomato juice. He said, "each time you use less TJ until you weaned yourself off of it" Of course by then, he was drunk again. What was cool to me as a 5 yr old, he would let me have a sip when he first mixed it up! To this day, I still love tomato juice and beer. I keep a 6 pack of these in my fridge, images (1).jpeg but only drink about 1 a week with my heath problems. They bring back fond memories! :peace::pass:
any lab could do it, cuz they have natural "soft" mouth ;) ......................but regardless, i will not be tryin to teach that trick to Gracie :rofl: ppp
My dad's labs all did, at least they would bring the ducks back intact. He had a German short hair retriever one time that would bring the ducks back, but not let dad have them. To get the ducks from the blind to the car, he had to pretend to shoot a duck, send the dog after it, grab the ducks, and run to the car. The need to go get the duck always won over suspicion, the dog would always fall for the trick, or more like just put up with it in case there really was another duck. :rofl:
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