.polished off in about 4 bites.
Must be on the mend
@Mossy - how goes? did you venture out for the 2pm shop?
he says they were trippy as Chuff.......
At the time..they make Tea off them..drank the tea then ate the mushrooms that were left.....
the regular ones you find the UK are crazy strong compared to the likes of Golden teachers etc... which is the 'standard' i suppose for microdosing - so a bit less trippy and more reflective.
Oh the tea - exactly what me and my mates used to do when we were lads wandering the fields and coast of Dorset - it is the easiest way to consume them but sh*t the bed they taste bad like that
these days, I dry them and put in to capsules with .3g in them - but when I want to 'trip trip' I take the required amount out of the capsules and put it in to a shot glass with fresh lemon juice, that does something magical and get you very high very quickly when you knock it back.
The best news is, I took my last antidepressant which I have been weaning off and using shrooms - I have to say, I nearly feel human again, and getting my bounce back (just need to make sure I dont bounce too much and break something)
So...hed Probably try some......If I found any......
how far are you from the Portugal border :smoking:
The Sea pulls me too.....I Like licking me lips and tasting salt..........
mmmm just the thought of that....even though we are on an Island this is the most inland I have ever lived, bloody land lovers round here
Never got around to heading down yesterday, today we will go foraging see what's about as the sun is out and I need to get my bounce on
How about you - what's on for today?