Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Me too. Spring temps coming back tomorrow here. :d5:
Then the spring rains the day after.:help:

I Swear Mother Nature has a Real Sick sense of Humour....... :headbang: ...we've had the longest cold wet patch I can remeber..and there is no sign of it lifting yet.....:pass:
Just scanning the net looking to get rid of the Avalanche....tired of looking at it just sitting there cause I really have no use for it anymore....and now seems a good time to do it what with prices high for used cars now.
My boy loves to buy cars and fix them up. He's learned that ya make your money on the buy. If you're not using it, cash in on the stupidity!!!
A few weeks ago, I had this guy offer me stupid money for my 03 Crown Vic LS Sport. Yeah, it's a rare model, but not that damn rare! It was tempting, but where would I get another in this condition?
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