Any thing with Durban Poison or Haze in it should do the trick. Fast Buds Mexican Airlines and Six Shooter, along with their green crack and tangie make the list.

bullseye answer there!
@Mara Cachafa the challenge in auto's with this soaring uplifting effect is how to keep the parent photo's terp' and cannabinoid profile true as possible... And keep some speed too! Very generally low myrcene, linalool, and other terp's notorious for sedative effects are found most strongly expressed in "old world" Sativas (landrace/heirlooms), particularly equatorial ones... but they tend to have very long bloom times. Keep in mind that "auto'ing" is not necessarily linked to speed of life cycle/bloom, only that the plants bloom
regardless of light cycle...
What auto parent used plays a huge role of course... And then the care taken in breeding... They are out there! If/when La Buena Hierba gets around to updating his website, there hopefully will be some restocking of his Haze line auto's which are excellent... His stuff was ahead of it's time 10 years ago, and still is top grade stuff today for potency, effect and performance... Check the site out for details

...more general stuff: strongly citrus aroma crosses tend to be uppy,... the real deal Haze types are often a kind of sharp metallic, astringent citrus, incensey blend... but other aromatic blends can be like this, just depends,...
Have a look at ACE seeds, I'd put auto Zamadelica on that list, but she will vary pheno' to pheno' but with a lot of African sativa in her, usually it's a nice upbeat high... While there do some light homework and look at the various Sativa crosses and check out the details on them. Usually they list the aroma and terpene profiles of them, so you can start to see the pattern liked to the nature of the high,... Some are unexpected for the aroma and effect! Malawi (New Malawi Killer) is majorly fierce stuff, not just THC% but the nature of the high... very psychoactive, decidedly not for everybody! She has complex woods, oil, herbal aroma profile,... I have a cross now made from her, Killer Orange Glue. The NMK mother utterly dominates this cross, I see zero (Agent)Orange or Glue in her, and the aroma is as above, not even very strong either, but gezzus the high is a cruise missile ride
