Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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SeedStockers Girls are doing awesome 2 of the Sherbet have yet to flower but seem really close






I tried to sleep but sat up in bed. Power went off and wasn't sure if we popped the breaker. But it came back on in a few minutes. We actually
need to put in a new service panel with a 200 amp breaker and things would be better for us. But need the cash to get all the stuff and electrician
to come out to do the install. Can't really be without electricity for long as MnLaw runs a oxygen concentrator machine and Cpap.
I got the same situation..Need to upgrade main to 200 service, Work I could do in a day, but electric co. once they get the call to put meter back in it might be 2 days before they get around to it..And in this county they require permit and inspection so electrician has to be involved which is more time wasted waiting on an over priced a$$hole...Wife has a O2 concentrater as well..
Morning kittens....36f on the porch, coffee nice n tasty hot......turns out wife had a touch of pnuemonia lingering from the covid bout a couple weeks ago, got the meds for it and should be ok in a few days.......but that means she's not clear for the surgery to replace the infected steel till the blood work is good......going on 3 years now and still not to a point where she can try working to strengthen that leg to where she can try using her artificial leg....and now she's miffed with me for asking about it......cause she has that old mindset that Dr's are gods and it's not for us mere mortals to question them
I got the same situation..Need to upgrade main to 200 service, Work I could do in a day, but electric co. once they get the call to put meter back in it might be 2 days before they get around to it..And in this county they require permit and inspection so electrician has to be involved which is more time wasted waiting on an over priced a$$hole...Wife has a O2 concentrater as well..
It’s funny because. It’s true.
I am a overpriced asshole.:funny::funny:
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