Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Well stoner family here's the latest on Mrs. D went and had a CT scan on kidneys, now this is where I got pissed :grrr1:, she has a wound from being bed ridden that was supposed to be taken care of by the home health nurses needless to say it hasnt been, hard to get something done when you have a different nurse coming every time. I've been dressing it, keeping it clean, daily it never has healed completely. Thursday a different nurse comes and finally lets us know its in stage 2, so we immediately call her primary doc who gets us an appointment with a wound specialist, we get there and find out its a stage 3 wound that is gonna require surgery due to being abscessed under the skin. OH and we also found out the worst thing for it is getting it wet. Mrs. D didnt like that she loves her baths

That sucks. Same thing happened to my uncle a few years ago. Good thing it was caught. Best to Ms. Dabber :karmacloud:
That sucks. Same thing happened to my uncle a few years ago. Good thing it was caught. Best to Ms. Dabber :karmacloud:
Thats what the nurse said at docs office they did cultures we should hear something by Friday the typically take 72 hrs
Well wish me luck, I soaked another set of seeds 24hrs, now have a heat mat with humidity tray dome setup, moistened some root riot plugs that
fit the trays, placed seed in each and away we go hopefully. If these sprout they will get put outside greenhouse.
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