nerds ,,,you wanting to create the perfect home canna automated chamber

with the right genetics to make it work :smoking:
yeah, they had to put me out for mine...always been sensitive to light and could keep my eye open.
i aint sure what i was expecting ,,but all i got was drops ...then a fecin injection in eye ,,,

,,they struggled keep me down ,,
@Mossy so a recap...was run down tired,,,got a kidney/uti infection,,then a eye infection treated with chemist,,bad mistake,,,anyhow got scarring on lenses both,,so i got bumped to have one lens done ,,,,its taken me weeks to get back,,,i was expecting a few days hell i couldn't see for nearly two weeks,,,
but getting back ,,,she just got me self a nano aquarium tank for aqua scaping

she clover i aunt eating so she gave me something i have to keep going ,seen the price of leccy ,, i going to have to come up with a custom nano breeding set up
hope you well
