Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Oh. That’s stil a thing?
Bro every other weekend there is a crowd of them in downtown Dallas just waiting for John F Kennedy Jr to come back cuz he’s gonna be Trumps running mate next go around! :yoinks: :crying:
I miss meat.

We've gone mostly vegan....... and it's honestly not bad. I can eat meat, I'm just lazy. If someone else wants to plan, cook, serve, then all I can say is "thanks! This is great."

I'd say we are lazy vegetarians more than vegan. We both support the animal rights and considerate treatment side of veganism which is why we typically say we fall there. I'm not opposed to eating meat, just do it right and treat the animals with respect. Factory farms are a bane to all of us. I also loathe the militant vegans. Ugh. Just shut up and lead by example not yelling at me in a parking lot. The youts'....... sometimes they get it right.
I'm too much of an omnivore to limit myself. Kinda like my idea in farming........diversity is key.

Don't remind me I have to rely on others for my meat. There is no comparison to what I raised and how I cared for them.

I don't pay mind to anyone that tells me what to think.
Bro every other weekend there is a crowd of them in downtown Dallas just waiting for John F Kennedy Jr to come back cuz he’s gonna be Trumps running mate next go around! :yoinks: :crying:
Dude I cannot tell you what a relief getting fired was in so many ways but *especially* cause I no longer had to listen to people that I had formerly respected go on and on about all of that nonsense as if it were real life. They had me sat right between a big time Q-nut and an *admitted* C-ville tiki torch bearer and I'm almost positive had I stayed much longer I would have ended up having an aneurysm from the constant internal screaming caused by their totally disconnected-from-reality drivel.
Apparently I need a new gig cuz I sure can’t afford no $1463 for that press! It’s the nugsmasher XP correct??
Right the cost to make concentrates is retarded. Not for every home grower. Smallest vac ovens are like two grand for making BHO. They have them little vac chambers but I believe a oven is better for BHO. They have the nugsmasher mini for like close to 500$ but if your making live rosin don't you need a freeze drier also? Lol the expenses of it are crazy. Some day I'd like to get a harvest right freeze dryer and a nugsmasher but I'm still working on mastering my grow set up. I'm very close there so I will have to start investing in other areas once I complete the set up. Is it just classified as regular rosin if your not freeze drying it first? Like if your pressing dried and cured buds it's just rosin then and not live rosin am I correct?
Its actually giving me a headache just thinking about it.

Getting away from abusive coworkers was another big plus. The worst of them has the same first name as me and I literally cringe when people say my name now, like it makes me want to crawl out of my skin. I had to go by my middle name at work cause she was there first and refused to share her name (?!) Keep in mind this woman was nearly 50 so like, just super petty and unprofessional. Should have noped out then and there but went above and beyond for them for 2+ years until her abuse coupled with the insurance fucking around with my meds led me to a major breakdown (not at work mind you, but had I gone in that week I most definitely would not be alive now) that required I take a week off. Came back the following Monday and was told to clear out. Fuck 'em. Idk why warm bodies are more valuable than people who actually get shit done but sorry I take pride in my work and feel that helping the company perform better is good for business. So sorry I was the only person catching shipments that were supposed to go out but didn't before it became an issue so your customers didn't take their business elsewhere. How dare I actually give a shit about the company I work for lmfao.
Right the cost to make concentrates is retarded. Not for every home grower. Smallest vac ovens are like two grand for making BHO. They have them little vac chambers but I believe a oven is better for BHO. They have the nugsmasher mini for like close to 500$ but if your making live rosin don't you need a freeze drier also? Lol the expenses of it are crazy. Some day I'd like to get a harvest right freeze dryer and a nugsmasher but I'm still working on mastering my grow set up. I'm very close there so I will have to start investing in other areas once I complete the set up. Is it just classified as regular rosin if your not freeze drying it first? Like if your pressing dried and cured buds it's just rosin then and not live rosin am I correct?
You can make live rosin from squishing hash made from a dry ice shake in Bubble Bowls.
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