Met up with one of my grow buddies from 30 years ago. He brought me a couple Anaphylaxis fem seeds he made, a few nugs of the same strain, 3 grams of Mango Tree shatter and a cookie.
We've gone mostly vegan....... and it's honestly not bad. I can eat meat, I'm just lazy. If someone else wants to plan, cook, serve, then all I can say is "thanks! This is great."
I'd say we are lazy vegetarians more than vegan. We both support the animal rights and considerate treatment side of veganism which is why we typically say we fall there. I'm not opposed to eating meat, just do it right and treat the animals with respect. Factory farms are a bane to all of us. I also loathe the militant vegans. Ugh. Just shut up and lead by example not yelling at me in a parking lot. The youts'....... sometimes they get it right.
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