Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I already miss my morning ritual of checking the girls and taking care of their needs. :wall::rofl:

I'd be warming water for the solo's morning watering. At least I think I can make a solo cup girl run with good results. The variegated Elephant was doing great, but the little clay pots were amazing. I didn't really expect that good of results.
I do know that I'm gonna like running Earthbox Jrs. I was able to get them 'on the Rez' way quicker than the Regular EB. The biggest reason is where the wicking area is located. The two areas are right in the center of the planter, right where your girl is located.
I do think that future growing will have far less transplanting, especially in the Jrs. As long as I can have the media warm enough, I'll direct plant. I transplant around day 14 above ground and then turn on the rez a week later. Direct planting in Jrs will allow me to get them into the 'two root system' going a week earlier and able to push the VPD without worrying about too much nute uptake. This also lets me add the worms sooner.

I still need much more experience with the Rain Science bags. I don't have too much problem with them when the girl is big and drinking hard. Early on, seems to be a dance between keeping the sides from drying out and overwatering. The very first thing I do is to water around the sides of each pot. If I'm not fully watering, that's all I do. They seem to need this on a daily basis. If I'm fully watering, after perimeter watering, I wait about 10 min while doing other things. I then give a good top watering, covering the entire top and wait another 10 min while doing other things. If I have no run off, I add water to the bottom in the tray and observe how quickly the pot takes up the water. I like to have a large percentage of the water gone by the time I finish the last pot. If all the water is gone in 10 min, I'll add more. I'll wait another 10 min and dump any remaining water, if there is any. When I water, I swap the tray to nothing in the bottom. After watering, I swap the trays back to the ones with a layer of pumice in the bottom. This lets the bottom dry close to the same rate of the side of these bags.

That's a lot of work. That's kinda why I'm gonna trend to use EBs in future grows. Unless I'm trying a Sea Of Green or testing a few strains, it's gonna be in an EarthBox of some sort. EarthBoxes, ran with the two root system going, is just less work and far less critical in timing of adding nutes. As long as the nutes are in the mounded compost, the plant takes what it needs and not what I think it needs. I'm all for less work and less worry!

Anyway, Happy Caturday!
Once the roads are clear later today, my cuz will be bringing his first load of his stuff.and taking back the bags of aluminum cans I save for him.

Speaking of Caturday, I didn't let everyone know that Spot DID come back a day later after I missed her. I guess she may have been in the shop somewhere and I closed the door on her. The three girls are growing and let me know when they are hungry by sitting on my BB pit and looking in the kitchen window. LOL!
Spot is the out going cat and the smartest. The other two cats are almost twins. Not really any size or looks differences. I can tell Prissy from Twisty pretty easily, by the way she looks at me. She always comes up and greets me and looks me in the eyes. When I feed, she always takes a couple bites and then comes over to me and thanks me by rubbing up to me.
Prissy got her name from just the way she carries herself. Her tail is always upright and she sorta makes a show in walking.
Twisty got her name from her actions when calling the for feeding when they were young. She would weave her way thru the railing surrounding the porch. It was funny as hell. The other two would hurry in, but she would take her time weaving thru every single of the railing stays. LOL! She's loving, but she seldom initiates it.

I do miss Zero though. I should have made him a house cat. Such a chill cat! He was quite handsome, too.

In memory of Spot: Chillin beside me washing canna
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