Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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So close to ?

I've run the fem Somango from Seedsman ( not auto ) Very fine plant large yields great high.
I've slso ran the XXX White widow from female seeds. A great plant good yeilds very nice bud's.

Both are easy to grow. The WW is a bit more prone to the p.m..
The somango is prone to Bud rot. Has to be watched really close the last 2 or 3 weeks before harvest. The humidity has to be controlled very well at that time because the buds are so huge that the moisture gets trapped inside and creates heat and then you got bud :doh:
Some cool etherial footage and tune...couple of good "wipeouts" too! Check the wave at 2:30, beauty in death...and thanks for the reps yesterday @Mossy

Anyone know how many of these individuals died? I struggle to understand how someone would want to play with waves like that. Big is one thing, that lethal structure is another.
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