Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Welp, sour Starburst is harvested and in bags. Oughta be 4+ zips I’m thinking. Super frosty, big huge dense buds. Was gonna grill a steak but decided to cook it inside due to the single digit rh out. Today is just not the right day to burn the neighborhood down :haha: :pass:
Good news is we've got 4+ hours till the grill is done being seasoned so plenty of time to marinade lol

4 hourz = zomnutz x 12...............................................................jus sayin & marinade on plz :toke: ppp
Thanks for the rep @Mañ'O'Green! Had to run out for more cooking spray so I grabbed a bag of mesquite chunks too (@Frank the Dank will know what I mean when I say it makes him super nostalgic lol). About to start working on getting the sides prepped so that when the grill is finally ready in another 6 zomnuts everything can go on at once. I feel like death but I'll push on, even if it means I won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow.
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