Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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oopz, and in all the hubbub, i've spaced out that YES, we've now surpassed 1112 pagez, which is what we were shootin for as the new LS high, so damn good job kidz :clapper:, and we've still got 24 more dayz to go, woot! :yay: .............................................ok, gettin me coat now :smoking: ppp
Puppie update
Good Morfnoevight All!

Well I am going to go out and plant the potato tower. I was supposed to do that yesterday but some dabs of Panama Red scuttled the mission :crying:

They usually pull the nutes and whatnot they need from the co…cotel… the little rounded “leaves” that first open. On the plants I’ve grown that have gone way above breeders advertised sizes, I started on nutes on the 4th or 5th day. I’ll “pre-load” my soil with 1/4 strength nutes.
Unless they’re rocking weak genetics I call bs on the breeder, And would avoid them due to ignorance and perpetuating ignorance.
You gotta think… it’s a weed. It can and will grow anywhere.
I hear this all of the time. The amount of energy stored in the seed in the cotyledons is only enough to get the leaves into the sunlight so they can begin to produce energy. This may last up to two weeks but that time clock starts when the seed begins germination before it ever sees the light of day. So if your seed takes 5 days to emerge then it may have enough to keep it alive for 10 days. Notice I said keep it alive - not thrive. If the roots are not finding nutrients from day one in the soil/coco/reservoir the plants maximum potential is being throttled. We do not want that. IMPO seed starting materiel should have ALL nutrients available to the new plant in low (1/4) strength. Full strength nutrients are tolerated after the first true leaves are 1 -2 inches long.
Well, after 3 glorious days of open windows, I reluctantly closed them last night.:sadcry:

Awoke this morning to freezing temps and a few light snow flurries. Cool week with possibility of freezing precip around Friday.
85 when I went to get the kids today. Supposed to get down to 29 by Saturday.
Well, posts finished, got a good start on the ramp stringers. I'm a lil tired but not hurting too bad. Had to break out my Z Merc keyboard, seems the laptop keyboard going worries, was gonna do it anyways as I like the tactile feel of mechanical keyboard better.
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