New Grower Lighting Questions

I concur with Son of Hobs,

But remember, Lights are just one part of the equation, you also need to think about fresh air from a screened intake, tent airflow, filtered extraction, type of medium, nutrients, hand or auto watered, etc.

But regarding lights... 4 plants under one Lumatek Digital Dimmable Ballast pro system 6oo watts at 400 volts, with a Dual Spectrum enhanced Lumatek 400v bulb, will see you right the way through.

This should give you a footprint of about 5ft square (when raised to full height) of high intensity light, the plants love it.... if you want to scale up, just do more of the same.

They are very reasonably priced, and give you good "Bang for Buck".

The extra penetration from the above type of light produces a very high quality and dense bud at all levels of the plant.

There are other ways, and I am sure others will advise on their choice, but for me, this would be my way - based on results I have achieved so far..... for example....

View attachment 640420
Which LED do you reccomend? I am probably going that route to reduce my footprint, also to make sure I am not giving out a lot more heat then need be. And what exactly do you mean filterd extraction?
Which LED do you reccomend? I am probably going that route to reduce my footprint, also to make sure I am not giving out a lot more heat then need be. And what exactly do you mean filterd extraction?

I have only ever used 1 LED... a Mars Hydro 600w (300w real draw), with good result, it keeps plant node spacing tight, although now I use it only for side fill and as a booster light...

You can see it here in my 4ft x 4ft x 6ft tent in the fill light position. (bigger the area - bigger the lighting required).


Filter the air that you extract from the grow room with a carbon filter and extraction fan (bigger the space - bigger the filter & fan required).

Unless you are going to fully kit out a basement (fantastic if you can) most will use a tent within a basement to the size required, thereby reducing set-up costs.

Even so, a set-up like above will cost around £2000.00 UK. And that space will take only 3 auto plants (mind you - some say I do grow monsters).

ABK 1 Day 70 a.jpg

Ventilation / Intake
  • Outside Air from Ground Level >>> Wall Hole Entrance with Bug Screen >>> Ducting >>> 5" Systemair High Volume Fan >>> (Enter Tent) 5" Ducting >>> Diffuser (to be fitted)
Filtration / Exhaust
  • 8" Rhino Pro Carbon Filter (800m/3) >>> Reduced to 6" Duct >>> Powerplant Aerowing Air Cooled "Sealed" Reflector >>> 6" Duct >>> High Velocity Systemair 6" (720m/3) >>> (Exit Tent) Acoustic Ducting >>> Wall Exit.
  • Lumatek Digital Dimmable Pro System, 600W 400v
  • 600w 400v Dual spectrum enhanced bulb & MH & HPS 400W bulbs
  • 600w Mars Hydro LED (old style), for side fill if required
  • Fully adjustable height of all lights to Max Height if required (Flexable ducting on Light Hood)
Environmental Control
  • 4ft x 4ft x 6ft Tent
  • Evolution Fan / Temp / Rh Controller
  • 4ft Tower oscillating fan
  • Assorted clip fans
  • Humidifier / Fogger with variable level, pumps cooling fog (mist) to plants
  • De-Humidifier
  • Home Built Humidifier / De-Humidifier Controller
  • TFA Kilmalog Pro with 4 sensors in tent, recording temp & RH every 1 min.
  • V20 Air Pump
  • Tube Heater and backup 1K fan heater
  • Water Res Pumps
  • Other Bits & Bobs.
Medium Etc
  • Autopot system, Dual Grow & Bloom Res
  • Ferro Nutrients (Regional Adjusted)
  • Airdomes and pumps
  • Soil (Canna Terra Pro) & Euro Pebbles, with added perlite.
  • Ecothrive Charge (for a solid root system)
There are other ways and levels, this is just mine.... Hope that helps a little.... Good luck with your grow.:vibes:
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I have only ever used 1 LED... a Mars Hydro 600w (300w real draw), with good result, it keeps plant node spacing tight, although now I use it only for side fill and as a booster light...

You can see it here in my 4ft x 4ft x 6ft tent in the fill light position. (bigger the area - bigger the lighting required).


Filter the air that you extract from the grow room with a carbon filter and extraction fan (bigger the space - bigger the filter & fan required).

Unless you are going to fully kit out a basement (fantastic if you can) most will use a tent within a basement to the size required, thereby reducing set-up costs.

Even so, a set-up like above will cost around £2000.00 UK. And that space will take only 3 auto plants (mind you - some say I do grow monsters).

View attachment 640479

Ventilation / Intake
  • Outside Air from Ground Level >>> Wall Hole Entrance with Bug Screen >>> Ducting >>> 5" Systemair High Volume Fan >>> (Enter Tent) 5" Ducting >>> Diffuser (to be fitted)
Filtration / Exhaust
  • 8" Rhino Pro Carbon Filter (800m/3) >>> Reduced to 6" Duct >>> Powerplant Aerowing Air Cooled "Sealed" Reflector >>> 6" Duct >>> High Velocity Systemair 6" (720m/3) >>> (Exit Tent) Acoustic Ducting >>> Wall Exit.
  • Lumatek Digital Dimmable Pro System, 600W 400v
  • 600w 400v Dual spectrum enhanced bulb & MH & HPS 400W bulbs
  • 600w Mars Hydro LED (old style), for side fill if required
  • Fully adjustable height of all lights to Max Height if required (Flexable ducting on Light Hood)
Environmental Control
  • 4ft x 4ft x 6ft Tent
  • Evolution Fan / Temp / Rh Controller
  • 4ft Tower oscillating fan
  • Assorted clip fans
  • Humidifier / Fogger with variable level, pumps cooling fog (mist) to plants
  • De-Humidifier
  • Home Built Humidifier / De-Humidifier Controller
  • TFA Kilmalog Pro with 4 sensors in tent, recording temp & RH every 1 min.
  • V20 Air Pump
  • Tube Heater and backup 1K fan heater
  • Water Res Pumps
  • Other Bits & Bobs.
Medium Etc
  • Autopot system, Dual Grow & Bloom Res
  • Ferro Nutrients (Regional Adjusted)
  • Airdomes and pumps
  • Soil (Canna Terra Pro) & Euro Pebbles, with added perlite.
  • Ecothrive Charge (for a solid root system)
There are other ways and levels, this is just mine.... Hope that helps a little.... Good luck with your grow.:vibes:
I cannot thank you enough for taking your time to help me through this, from the pictures you have shown and advice you have given, i see how you have masterd the art of growing, it deffinitly looks like with your system, you have been able to get very high yeilds and quality. Looking foward to your future advice!