Mephisto Genetics Let's talk PPFD and DLI

My Critical+ 2.0 and WW XXL (signature) are receiving under 20 DLI and only 140W.
They're the biggest to date.
Sorry, the DLI 100 is just model name of the meter, see the link, nothing to with what the plant need, yeah, 100 is high
Ohhh I got that all wrong then, my bad :coffee2: LOL
I hadn't checked out your links yet, just started now

But guess what, on the dli 1oo page :eyebrows: there's a table where 30-60 is labelled as a "very high" DLI range, and they got their data from this horticulture book: Ball Redbook: Greenhouse and Equipment, revised 2003

Cheers! :pass: