Mephisto Genetics Let's talk PPFD and DLI

Dec 18, 2017
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In the past few years ppfd has entered into the mainstream as a term that all growers should be familiar with. There's tons of write ups online about optimal ppfd levels, so I'll spare you all with repeating it here. More recently, and with less attention, the topic of DLI has been discussed in a few places. The idea behind dli in layman's terms is essentially that a plant can only take in so much light in any given period of time. We know there is such a thing as too much and too little light as measured by intensity using a par meter. Another part of the equation factors in dli in conjunction with par however.

The idea of what is optimal ppfd in a given space in generally discussed as it pertains to a 12/12 photo grow. As the math scales proportionately, we can essentially cut our ppfd in half as used in a 24/0 auto grow. For example, it would appear then that 500 watts on a 24/0 cycle is exactly equivalent to 1000 watts on a 12/12 cycle, and will produce the same results.

There's little talk on this forum on this topic, so I'd urge everyone who's unfamiliar to start poking around the web. I read some great posts from people I trust on other forums, and I can't seem to find them now but will update with links as soon as I do. I'd also like to hear your thoughts and if you have any experience playing with light levels in auto grows.
There have been some discussion but most probably under light maker sub forums. I know autocob subforum had some discussions about less is more for autos cause the 24/0 cycle. Good to discuss here too though. I’m currently running 24/0 I normally run 19/5 and I haven’t really noticed a difference in speed. But I need to for the heat right now.
Hey afguy it's so cool you bring this up just now!

Actually I feel DLI is a really interesting concept, exactly to find that optimal point where wattage use and the plants needs are in perfect harmony!
I've actually already tweaked a mini-cabinet using DLI, I remember there was some obscure value one had to plug into the calculation that is difficult to obtain for different lights, but the guy I was talking to happily knew that value for my Crees lol

CXB3590 CD (nominal 12000LM)
Luminous efficiency of radiation (LER)= 324
Quantum efficiency of lumination (QER)= 4.65

These two values, to then calculate radiant power and then photon flux (PPF) depending on the lumens
LM/LER= radiant power (RP)
RPxQER= photon flux (PPF)

...which then is used to find calculated PPFD
PPF/area(m²)= photon flux density (PPFD)

... to then be able to do Daily Light Integral calculations using variants of this basic formula:
  • Light-hours = DLI/(PPFD x 0.0036)
    "How long do my lights need to be on to give my plants a DLI of X"
    (I've been using 35 for cannabis as a very light-hungry plant, who knows, 30 may be sufficient too, since that's what the max value in greenhouse lighting, where this comes from, seems to be?)

  • DLI=Light-hours x (PPFD x 0.0036)
    "Whats my DLI value with my current light schedule?"

  • PPFD = DLI /(Light-hours x 0.0036)
    "How much PPFD do I need to get a DLI of 35?"
    to then calculate backwards, through PPF (PPF= PPFD x area) to find the number of COBs I need to cover that PPFD
Whereby, I have nooo idea where the .0036 comes from!!
So lots of mysterious numbers there, and trying to read up on it on RIU (where the guy who showed me how said he got the calculation method from), but I got totally lost there -- light forums, are just soooo over my head it's sad!

I can only say, after I adjusted my light time to compensate the lower wattage using these number gymnastics, my plants did do better, not explosively and something you'd see in my fotodocumentation, but just by their vitality and bud growth.

Being as I am right in the middle of such another situation, needing to distribute a suboptimal amount of lights between two plants, it's great you're bringing it up here!
Cheers! :jointman:
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There have been some discussion but most probably under light maker sub forums. I know autocob subforum had some discussions about less is more for autos cause the 24/0 cycle. Good to discuss here too though. I’m currently running 24/0 I normally run 19/5 and I haven’t really noticed a difference in speed. But I need to for the heat right now.
Yeah so with DLI calculations you could see whether you're wasting energy on excess lights and could actually reduce the wattage a bit to still get the same results, isn't that cool! :smoking:
@Mizzo81 thanks for the reply. There's so much back and forth about "proper" light cycles for autos, and I'm so curious about what a controlled experiment would look like. Alas with autos we don't have access to clones. Though science will tell us that to achieve the same results with all other factors left unchanged, the grow that switches from 19/5 to 24/0 would need to have decreased light intensity if (and only if) at 19/5 one was at the upper end of optimal light levels. Do you by chance know your current ppfd or have a par meter? Would like to know when the run is over if you saw a decrease in photosynthetic response by keeping the light intensity the same. Could be the case if you were pushing them too hard.

@calliandra thanks for your reply. What's your setup looking like? I'm decently literate with some of the stuff going over your head and will add my 2 cents if my opinion is welcome.

I'm just starting my first autoflower run after being intrigued by what appears to be very fine and stable genetics from Mephisto. Side note: shout out @mephisto for their Black Friday promo - one could almost feel like you made a mistake with the amount of freebies you throw in on top of the already generous price reduction. Users here are courteous, and it's a relatively small community where I think we can work together to form a cohesive advancement in our field. I've only done photos in the past, so this will be an opportunity for a unique trial of autos. I'm using a par meter and looking to reduce my ppfd to a cool ~400-500 running at 24/0. This is a change from my ideal ~800-1000 with photos. I don't run co2, or else these values would go up considerably. Going to see where this goes and test out dli for myself. Feel free to jump in this thread with any relevant info.
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Hey man, very cool subject. I have researched this too, and found nothing really.what par meter do you use?
I have been looking these meters, without a meter I think it is a waste or time because you need to know your par and dli numbers to dial this in but this only measure to 50k lux for strange reason

I think I go for the Apogee and dli 100, what do you think?
Finding out dli for auto without clones i think will be not easy, but with a meter we can start to get some idea, also indica, sativa, hybrid, enough to keep us busy for long time.
I don’t have a meter but I’m sure I’m no where near the saturation point. Plants always look happy and never look like they want a break. Leaves hanging or praying.
@Mizzo81 thanks for the reply. There's so much back and forth about "proper" light cycles for autos, and I'm so curious about what a controlled experiment would look like. Alas with autos we don't have access to clones. Though science will tell us that to achieve the same results with all other factors left unchanged, the grow that switches from 19/5 to 24/0 would need to have decreased light intensity if (and only if) at 19/5 one was at the upper end of optimal light levels. Do you by chance know your current ppfd or have a par meter? Would like to know when the run is over if you saw a decrease in photosynthetic response by keeping the light intensity the same. Could be the case if you were pushing them too hard.

@calliandra thanks for your reply. What's your setup looking like? I'm decently literate with some of the stuff going over your head and will add my 2 cents if my opinion is welcome.

I'm just starting my first autoflower run after being intrigued by what appears to be very fine and stable genetics from Mephisto. Side note: shout out @mephisto for their Black Friday promo - one could almost feel like you made a mistake with the amount of freebies you throw in on top of the already generous price reduction. Users here are courteous, and it's a relatively small community where I think we can work together to form a cohesive advancement in our field. I've only done photos in the past, so this will be an opportunity for a unique trial of autos. I'm using a par meter and looking to reduce my ppfd to a cool ~400-500 running at 24/0. This is a change from my ideal ~800-1000 with photos. I don't run co2, or else these values would go up considerably. Going to see where this goes and test out dli for myself. Feel free to jump in this thread with any relevant info.
Oh that's awesome you're going to document that here, it's bound to be revelatory in understanding using DLI to optimize our grows indoors!
What strain(s) are you going to be growing?!
And your offer is like the music of angels, I'd be very happy for your knowledge and opinions too! :woohoo:

So are going to calculate the DLI with the formulas I was given too, or is there another method? And what does that weird 0.0036 represent?!

I don't have a meter unfortunately, but have grown Mephistos under COBs before, albeit in different closets. The Sour Stomper I documented on here, she was started under 50W and gradually staggered up to 200W in a 50x90cm space at 18/6 light schedule. I recently grew a Skylar White in a small cabinet on a gas lantern schedule (6/2) to regulate high temps, at 50W all the way (distance to plant was only 15-20cm) in half of a 50x100 space (with another plant, and 50W, beside it). No online documentation on that one, she did OK, but after the Sour Stomper .9g/W was a meager yield.

And I just started up a Cosmic Queen, at day 14 today, she's the one I'm looking to light up whilst flowering a Sensi Northern Lights#5 x Haze partitioned off in my new closet (75 x 150cm area at room height). Here's a quick visual from above as it is right now, the plants keep moving around in there ;)
I won't flip the NLH for another week or so, still needing to source stuff for the partitioning ;) So the CQ will be in a space of about 75x75cm. Please let me know if you need me to convert my measurements to inches too?

As for lights, I don't have enough. The plan is to have 400W (+maybe some UV/far red supplementation) of full spectrum LED in there, and the current girls are supposed to pay for the upgrade :biggrin:
For now, it's
  • the 4 Cree COBs: CXB3590 3500°K on 50W drivers (makes em modular, very useful in shifty situations!), just passively cooled for now
  • and a MH/HPS set @150W - nooo idea how to estimate what they're actually putting out, without a meter?!
I was thinking of giving the CQ as the more hurried of the two 150W of the COBs and letting the NLH flower more sedately under the HPS (which I'd done before, she does well, 1g/W on my second grow, but she was scrogged) + 1 COB.

However, I used to see how @TaNg grows his pairs of autos first under 75, upping to 150W in flower - I think at 20/4? Tang could you please correct me if I'm wrong? :D
So maybe, if I upped the light time, I could even get away growing the CQ under just 100W, thus being able to give the unscrogged NLH, which will require more light penetration, better conditions too.
Ah why speculate when we have DLI? I just went and put together a lil spreadsheet that does all the math for me, and - IF this calculation method is legit, (I can only say it has seemed to work for me to now) I could actually do that, as with 100W running for 21.4 hours, I still get the DLI of 35 :jump:
check out the spreadsheet I'm attaching I made to spare my brain :p
Maybe it could actually work for anyone if you have the values for the light's LER and QER...
Ah. AFN won't let me attach it.
Here's a link to it instead:

hey Tony :D how do you come up with such a high DLI?!

I got my 30 from a Purdue Extension document on greenhouse lighting:
Highest referenced DLI (besaid 30) was from tomatoes I think. I added the 5 cuz stoners just gotta overdo it right? lol

I really need to check out those meters you linked, though last time I looked around they were pretty pricey...
hey Tony :D how do you come up with such a high DLI?!

I got my 30 from a Purdue Extension document on greenhouse lighting:
Highest referenced DLI (besaid 30) was from tomatoes I think. I added the 5 cuz stoners just gotta overdo it right? lol

I really need to check out those meters you linked, though last time I looked around they were pretty pricey...

Sorry, the DLI 100 is just model name of the meter, see the link, nothing to with what the plant need, yeah, 100 is high