koibosher, here is
for team effort !!
But, there is a slight "flaw" in your post. The test was well done, except for one variable. I was like ..."... impossible, this is all wrong!!..." - but then your last comment on the Zalman 130mm made everything else make perfect sense.
Notice this difference;
....................... |Closet temp.|Heatsink temp.|Room Temp.|Near db.|Far db.|
Factory Fan........|.....23.3c......|.......35.2c......|.. ....16.4c....|...~68...|..~55..|
noiseblocker X1..|.....28.9c......|.......52.1c......|......20. 9c....|...~47...|..~38..|
................................+5.7 ............+16,9............. +4.5
So if you subtract ambient temp -4.5
....................... |Closet temp.|Heatsink temp.|Room Temp.|Near db.|Far db.|
Factory Fan........|.....23.3c......|.......35.2c......|.. ....16.4c....|...~68...|..~55..|
noiseblocker X1..|.....24.2c......|.......47.6c......|......16.4C....|...~47...|..~38..|
............................+0.9 .................+12,4 ...............+0
Now, if we take into account that RH is key to how much heat can be transferred (different days, different RH), and instrument error etc etc... So that 1'C increase in closet temp could be simply due to increased RH by a few point from one day to the next, and all things considered I would say this is temp increase is negligeable.
We also have to come to the the conclusion looking at these numbers that, logically, the fans CFM on the X1 will not be as effficient dissipating heat as stock. Great. We already knew that. But I am really surprised at how little! Anyway,we can almost assume the X1 make a slight 12'C increase difference to overall operating temperature.
Closet temp is almost the same, slight increase. Closet temp is a factor of exhaustion of heat from the system. They are virtually identical, and I would bet my life that these numbers will always be the same in a higher efficiency tent/exhaust.
The heatsink temperature rose considerably, but nothing dangerous I would say. lower CFM fans will dissipate heat slower, so the heatsink will heat up faster. How did you measure the heatsink BTW, how long were the fans running for when you measured? So maybe, with the X1s the heatsink reaches 52'C in 2 hours while with stock it would take 4? Dunno...
Anyway, what I am trying to get at is the the PRIME culprit in overal heat is the intake/outake of air in the whole system, no only the fans. Its this ambient air change that transfers heat away. Slow it down, heat rises. In my situation with RVK fans, no problem, I felt no difference in ambient temp whatsovever.
That is exactly what brought me to LEDs. Heat managment to be able to turn down a 200mm RVK fan with a voltage controller down 4/5ths of the speed and become completely silent while still extracting a heapload of air and keeping temps really comfy.

But, there is a slight "flaw" in your post. The test was well done, except for one variable. I was like ..."... impossible, this is all wrong!!..." - but then your last comment on the Zalman 130mm made everything else make perfect sense.
Notice this difference;
....................... |Closet temp.|Heatsink temp.|Room Temp.|Near db.|Far db.|
Factory Fan........|.....23.3c......|.......35.2c......|.. ....16.4c....|...~68...|..~55..|
noiseblocker X1..|.....28.9c......|.......52.1c......|......20. 9c....|...~47...|..~38..|
................................+5.7 ............+16,9............. +4.5
So if you subtract ambient temp -4.5
....................... |Closet temp.|Heatsink temp.|Room Temp.|Near db.|Far db.|
Factory Fan........|.....23.3c......|.......35.2c......|.. ....16.4c....|...~68...|..~55..|
noiseblocker X1..|.....24.2c......|.......47.6c......|......16.4C....|...~47...|..~38..|
............................+0.9 .................+12,4 ...............+0
Now, if we take into account that RH is key to how much heat can be transferred (different days, different RH), and instrument error etc etc... So that 1'C increase in closet temp could be simply due to increased RH by a few point from one day to the next, and all things considered I would say this is temp increase is negligeable.
We also have to come to the the conclusion looking at these numbers that, logically, the fans CFM on the X1 will not be as effficient dissipating heat as stock. Great. We already knew that. But I am really surprised at how little! Anyway,we can almost assume the X1 make a slight 12'C increase difference to overall operating temperature.
Closet temp is almost the same, slight increase. Closet temp is a factor of exhaustion of heat from the system. They are virtually identical, and I would bet my life that these numbers will always be the same in a higher efficiency tent/exhaust.
The heatsink temperature rose considerably, but nothing dangerous I would say. lower CFM fans will dissipate heat slower, so the heatsink will heat up faster. How did you measure the heatsink BTW, how long were the fans running for when you measured? So maybe, with the X1s the heatsink reaches 52'C in 2 hours while with stock it would take 4? Dunno...
Anyway, what I am trying to get at is the the PRIME culprit in overal heat is the intake/outake of air in the whole system, no only the fans. Its this ambient air change that transfers heat away. Slow it down, heat rises. In my situation with RVK fans, no problem, I felt no difference in ambient temp whatsovever.
That is exactly what brought me to LEDs. Heat managment to be able to turn down a 200mm RVK fan with a voltage controller down 4/5ths of the speed and become completely silent while still extracting a heapload of air and keeping temps really comfy.
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