I Am What Willis Was Talkin' Bout
It's time again to do another mephisto run! This time we're doing Fantasmo Express, which is pretty much going to be an auto version of ghost train haze, a strain I personally have tried time and time again to sample and never can find it in my area lol. Going to be using my trusty red bottom airpot, with 50/50 roots organic soil and perlite, amended with dolomite lime and epsom salt. I'll be using the complete line of house and garden nutrients, maybe some mammoth p, and recharge. Seed just got dropped into the water folks, after I get a tap, I'll put her in a rapid rooter soaked in humic acid and roots xl. the show will start when the seedling emerges, hope you all enjoy it, and hopefully I'll get to try out my scrog I made!
@Santorini @912GreenSkell
@Santorini @912GreenSkell