Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

This is interesting....was down in the full sun garden today and i noticed something....seems my Green Poison Fast is into true preflower!! Umm wow!! @Waira, now this i did not expect!! :shrug:

So if she flowers for 8 weeks starting now i will be harvesting in late august. Really i will be super happy to see an early finisher like that!!If she goes only the 6 weeks of flower quoted on sweets description it could be done mid august!!
man, got me eye on the auto version for early start big pot transplant next season
man, got me eye on the auto version for early start big pot transplant next season

I loved the toke on the green poison last season man...seriously, if you are looking for a heavy indica with strong fruity smell and taste the green poison seems like a winner!! Last year mine smelled mixed Lychee fruit and green apples...It was as strong of an odour, as it was unique!!
Did a bunch of work on the plants. Added in several reverse supports to the full sun plants. Cut a whack of underformed branches out on several plants in the full sun garden today, About half done both jobs...will get em done tomorrow....damn if i didnt forget my camera today....there was about a half dozen sparrows hanging around on the scrog when i got there. Also missed a pic of an insect doing some damage and one i have never seen before, some kind of yellow beetle, almost looks like a cucumber beetle. Sap sucker leaving black spots. Eliminated!
beetles be sparrow food?
I loved the toke on the green poison last season man...seriously, if you are looking for a heavy indica with strong fruity smell and taste the green poison seems like a winner!! Last year mine smelled mixed Lychee fruit and green apples...It was as strong of an odour, as it was unique!!
and the auto is an xl I think, looks good for my set up
Alright, alright, alright!!

Got some work done today again...chopped a whack of underformed branches out of the full sun plants today. While I was cutting out underformed branches on the blue widow i noticed somethig! A massive hole has formed in the main trunk. Ive seen this before, but never to this degree. If this was left alone as is, it would spell near certain doom for this plant with a few back to back rainstorms. Friggin swimming pool in the middle of the stalk can't be good!!

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So obviously i couldnt leave it like that!!! Built a small tent out of bamboo and vapor barrier.
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Spotted some interesting bugs...i had to stop and laugh....there is me just blasted on 3.5ml of tincture chasing around this beetle with the camera on macro. :D
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Ahh yes...again my hunting pack was present when i got to the garden....about a dozen sparrows were all playing/feeding in the garden until i showed up. One brave little bugger decided to hang around for a couple of pics.
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He landed on the ground behind the green poison and let me snap a couple
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I started talking to him, and he looked right at me...too bad i could get proper focus.
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Supercropped all of the secondary branches on the widowbomb in the partial sun garden. Keep those main tips fighting for the top spot!!
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answers my bird question