NEWS Legalization is Closer Than We Think, Hopefully

Legalization very well may end down the road. Why? The very high thc percentages such as concentrates are already offered with nearly 100% thc. When school kids start filling emergency rooms across the country with neurological difficulties, the politicians will act. And that will be that!
Kind of like what happens now with liquor?
Legalization very well may end down the road. Why? The very high thc percentages such as concentrates are already offered with nearly 100% thc. When school kids start filling emergency rooms across the country with neurological difficulties, the politicians will act. And that will be that!
High percentage alcohol is far more toxic, likely causes way more underage neurological problems and outright deaths (unlike cannabis), but is still legal and marketed. Societies can be tolerant, accept certain downsides from widespread access to their 'social poisons' (commonly used psychoactive drugs), e.g., just look at alcohol. Much as with alcohol concentrates, with full legalization cannabis concentrates will simply continue to be sold legally; like alcohol and tobacco tracked, taxed, sold at limited licensed outlets, and not sold to those underage.

Is there actually any proof, medical community consensus, etc. that cannabis concentrates (or in any form) cause acute toxic neurological problems in humans? Weird behavior and perceptions, 'yes' for those lacking experience with high doses, including children, but actual nervous system or brain damage from acute (vs. longer term) use, that's news to me! And neurological damage that would result in an emergency room visit is even more unlikely. What disease or syndrome are you referring to? What in cannabis do you attribute its neurological problems to; what's toxic?
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Ohio is officially the 24th US State to allow adult recreational use, and will likely be the tipping point in helping end Federal Prohibition!

Congratulations Buckeyes!

A job well done!

Ohio is officially the 24th US State to allow adult recreational use, and will likely be the tipping point in helping end Federal Prohibition!

Congratulations Buckeyes!

A job well done!

No more trying to disguise that 4 x 4 x 6 " black thing " when repairmen have to go in the basement. :cheers: