Yeah thanks,
Gotta be positive, no one else gonna hold your hand. Good to speak to ya. eP.
LOL,Im just saying what I would buy if I could swing it bro.LOL! just get one as closely comparable and go with that one dude.swut Id do. :D

I have decided on the Platinum P300 LED and upon receipt will begin the germination process on Toof Decay, sour bubbly and chemdogging. All from mephisto.

Thank you everyone
Sounds like a good setup and choice. But you should have gone with the Amare.................nah, only pulling your leg. The good one. Not the swollen to feck one.


I have decided on the Platinum P300 LED and upon receipt will begin the germination process on Toof Decay, sour bubbly and chemdogging. All from mephisto.

Thank you everyone

Nice @Jackson!!! I look forward to seeing how that Toof Decay, Sour Bubbly and Chemdogg work out. I've defitively seen some great flowers with @mephisto genetics!

Lights arrived today, super soil from mephisto arrived today. Doctor allowed me to drive again so I went and got me a bag of roots organic soil. @epenguin

Another week and the germination process will begin.

Exciting times again!!!!