When they did your surgery it was more like swinging hammers and saws drilling and bolts etc, there was nothing delicate about it. So, you will be massively swollen, bruised and generally in mucho paino.

You should notice that every day it gets a little better, the swelling is a little smaller and you will need a little less pain relief. But don't be afraid to take the medicine. That is what it is for. You wont get a habit. It is just until it heals my friend.

My advice is to not change your dressings yourself. Get a pro to do it. Better to not change it rather than feck about and give infection a chance to bollox it all up.

What date was your op ?

Absolutely EP! I am from a family of doctors and if they knock you out, they really do treat you like a carcass in a butchers' shop!
May 24. The meds kill the pain and I agree I'll take them.

Aging ain't for wimps as this really sucks. I do the exercises 3 times a day plus have therapist come over 3 times a week
@hippy71 , I seen the videos of hip ops and it is brutal. Totally brutal, but no doubt the way it must be. I had a spinal rather than a full KO, but I still don't remember a thing, just my mp3 playing the best of CCR......

@Jackson , you are doing all the right things, believe me, it won't be long before it is a distant memory and you will be tripping the light fantastic on the dance floor. Or at the very least walking the dog .......lol

You are at the period where you will now start to see the daily improvement.

Me...............my other hip is starting to give me those old niggly feelings. After all, it is the same age as the other one. I hope I don't need the other one done too. But I would not bet on it !
Just in case, I took out private Medical Insurance, I could not go through 8 months of sheer agony again. I'm told that going private I could go from diagnosis to operation in ten days !
Costs me £50 a month. but worth it for the peace of mind.
Guys- please choose one of the lights above. Been researching for 2 days and can't make up my mind
I love 'em both.....sorry !
Okay chum......as they are equal in my mind.......go for the one that costs less. Then use the price difference for seeds. Can't say fairer than that. And I do not know which is the cheapest. So, over to you.
From the few grows I have seen I would personally buy a Platinum actually. have seen some excellent grows with a few of their larger lights. nice pieces. if I could afford it I would buy 2 of them LOL! well one of theirs and another of some one elses LOL sweet deal man.they all perform nicely and decently equal from what I have seen. COBs are killer or a higher end built light.either are stellar.
Cheers EoF, good to see ya pal, it has been a while.....how ya keeping chum ?