Here is my update.

Update Week 9
Battle girl Pineapple Express Auto from Fastbuds at Day 61. Last feed was 1.35g/l of Megacrop + 0.6g/l Sweet Candy + 0.35g/l Mother Monarch Bloom which is a 0-50s-20s bloom booster. Gonna keep everything as it is but may bump MMB up to 0.4g/l.


Her sister in the General Battle


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Update Week 9
Battle girl Pineapple Express Auto from Fastbuds at Day 61. Last feed was 1.35g/l of Megacrop + 0.6g/l Sweet Candy + 0.35g/l Mother Monarch Bloom which is a 0-50s-20s bloom booster. Gonna keep everything as it is but may bump MMB up to 0.4g/l.


Her sister in the General Battle


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There beautiful sir did you train them a lot
There beautiful sir did you train them a lot

No sir salutation please! Not for a baby grower who just popped his cherry on Valentines this year. Never even grew a beansprout b4 this.

My space is open with very limited reflective material. I want to keep light loss to a minimum so gotta keep them close. Don't wanna do a scrog cos i like moving them. So next best thing is to train them into bouquets. Looks nice, keeps them short and even canopy plus i get to move them wherever, whenever. Downside is very difficult to clear bottoms so I don't do it much. But even popcorns are usually dense. Other than that, this method gives insane yields. Last 4 plants each filled 3-4 Two litre IKEA mason jars. Full jars, not 3/4 full.

I train and supercrop a lot. Probably why my plants mostly finishes late. I'm guessing she will make it just in time.

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No sir salutation please! Not for a baby grower who just popped his cherry on Valentines this year. Never even grew a beansprout b4 this.

My space is open with very limited reflective material. I want to keep light loss to a minimum so gotta keep them close. Don't wanna do a scrog cos i like moving them. So next best thing is to train them into bouquets. Looks nice, keeps them short and even canopy plus i get to move them wherever, whenever. Downside is very difficult to clear bottoms so I don't do it much. But even popcorns are usually dense. Other than that, this method gives insane yields. Last 4 plants each filled 3-4 Two litre IKEA mason jars. Full jars, not 3/4 full.

I train and supercrop a lot. Probably why my plants mostly finishes late. I'm guessing she will make it just in time.

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You have some good skills pal I top and supercrop as need be but I take my hat off to you brother credit were credits due :pass::bighug:
@Ripper -- howdy there bud. Its time for my Dinafem Critical+2.0 to hit the chopping block -- scheduled for tomorrow, Nov 4. Could I get the appropriate code from you please. Thx. :toke: