New Grower Leaves drooping help!

Dec 22, 2016
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hi all, I've got a droopy leaf problem which I can't figure out why so praying someone can help!

I have an NFT Hydro set up with 10 fast and vast autos, seeds popped about 8 days ago, they rooted in the rockwall 2 days ago and I dropped them in the tray then. Since that point, the leaves have been drooping a lot

This is now my 4th try with auto seeds (have always grown from cuttings and NEVER had a failed grow so this is killing me!) and this needs to work or I'll run out of my current stash which hasn't happened in years :( I NEED this to work!

My water is at EC .6-.8, my ph is an even 5.9, they are under 2 600w veg lights and the temp is around 70-75 degrees f. Lights are running 24/7

I'm using the weakest formulex seedling nutes at present with a really small amount of rizo. But usually use canna veg a/b and I've also got some auto specific a/b but never tried it

What is going wrong?

Things I've thought it could be

- too much water/ overwatered
- not enough humidity
- not enough nutes
- should not be on 24 hours light
- dropped too early, should still be in a dome
- autos just hate me

I've tried to fix the problems above e.g. Turned off the water flow for 12 hours to see if they were being overwatered/ put a couple of plant under a dome to increase humidity but because I'm crapping it about losing them I don't know if I'm giving it enough time to see results.

Anyone got any ideas as I'm crazy nervous right now! Note, of the 10 I'd say 7 look on the edge and every time I open the tent I'm expecting to see a dead baby :(

im growing some fast and vast about 3 weeks in i dont know for sure what your issue is maybe over watering ive done that myself before i had lots of problems with seedlings till i started using a cfl just for 10 days or so my 600w hps seemed abit harsh on them since then i haven't looked back also that feed sounds fine for coco i start with feed soon as it breaks ground i use the lucas formula its so easy 1 part feed and calmag
I've grown 3 sets of fast n vast with very good yields.
Less is more with these girls.
Bk off to 18/6 works best for me with these n if you have 400 watt bulb put em n get the lights close to the put there not burning them these love light 600 watt caused slow grow n droop on my ladies 3rd time round. Also if your light not close enough the fast n vast droop because of light not been close enough. Also day 8 is about the time I feed them keep the root stimulate n give em a small dose of grow. Another thing find a way to make sure they get calmag they love n n every grow I've needed it with them.

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im growing some fast and vast about 3 weeks in i dont know for sure what your issue is maybe over watering ive done that myself before i had lots of problems with seedlings till i started using a cfl just for 10 days or so my 600w hps seemed abit harsh on them since then i haven't looked back also that feed sounds fine for coco i start with feed soon as it breaks ground i use the lucas formula its so easy 1 part feed and calmag

Cheers mate. Maybe I put them under the 600 too early.
What's calmag tho??
I've grown 3 sets of fast n vast with very good yields.
Less is more with these girls.
Bk off to 18/6 works best for me with these n if you have 400 watt bulb put em n get the lights close to the put there not burning them these love light 600 watt caused slow grow n droop on my ladies 3rd time round. Also if your light not close enough the fast n vast droop because of light not been close enough. Also day 8 is about the time I feed them keep the root stimulate n give em a small dose of grow. Another thing find a way to make sure they get calmag they love n n every grow I've needed it with them.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Cheers for this mate, really helpful. Don't have any 400s but I've dropped the 600s down to about 23 inches. Had them miles away before as they fried my last batch.
2nd time I've read calmag.. does it have another name or am I missing something crucial?
Here's a couple of pics of them, all the wrong way round.. sorry. They have a decent colour and are a good texture but the drooping down and twisting I've never seen. The ph was a bit low so just raised it but still.. HELP!!!