New Grower Leaves drooping help!

hi all, I've got a droopy leaf problem which I can't figure out why so praying someone can help!

I have an NFT Hydro set up with 10 fast and vast autos, seeds popped about 8 days ago, they rooted in the rockwall 2 days ago and I dropped them in the tray then. Since that point, the leaves have been drooping a lot

This is now my 4th try with auto seeds (have always grown from cuttings and NEVER had a failed grow so this is killing me!) and this needs to work or I'll run out of my current stash which hasn't happened in years :( I NEED this to work!

My water is at EC .6-.8, my ph is an even 5.9, they are under 2 600w veg lights and the temp is around 70-75 degrees f. Lights are running 24/7

I'm using the weakest formulex seedling nutes at present with a really small amount of rizo. But usually use canna veg a/b and I've also got some auto specific a/b but never tried it

What is going wrong?

Things I've thought it could be

- too much water/ overwatered
- not enough humidity
- not enough nutes
- should not be on 24 hours light
- dropped too early, should still be in a dome
- autos just hate me

I've tried to fix the problems above e.g. Turned off the water flow for 12 hours to see if they were being overwatered/ put a couple of plant under a dome to increase humidity but because I'm crapping it about losing them I don't know if I'm giving it enough time to see results.

Anyone got any ideas as I'm crazy nervous right now! Note, of the 10 I'd say 7 look on the edge and every time I open the tent I'm expecting to see a dead baby :(

Never done nft but I do use canna nutes your water ec is a bit more than mine (0.2) it could be your tap water autos can be a bit finicky as you only have a certain amount of time (not much room for error) I grow in bubble buckets and in coco but I very really use my ec truncheon unless I see problems the first week I feed 1/4 strength A+B 1 ml per ltr of water the second week there usually on 1.25 ml canna A and B per ltr of water with autos I've never gone over half strength feeds it's not needed and if you can get some canna mono calcium and canna mono magnesium also you will defo need them in flowering I will see if I can tag in @Roark I think he's done nft

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@KushNFT grows constantly in nft here maybe he can help.
I typed drooping leaves in nft system into google and found this
Is the flow rate high enough to aerate the water? Is there a gap between the end of the table(s) and the res?

The only time I've overwatered in NFT was when I filled a res too high and flooded the table. My pumps run constantly.
hi all, I've got a droopy leaf problem which I can't figure out why so praying someone can help!

I have an NFT Hydro set up with 10 fast and vast autos, seeds popped about 8 days ago, they rooted in the rockwall 2 days ago and I dropped them in the tray then. Since that point, the leaves have been drooping a lot

You say 8 days old, have you incubated them ? Cut a bottle in half poke a hole in for breathing, shes still a seedling so therefore rh should be 80 to 90, also another top tip run your incubater green house under a hot tap let excess water out so its just splashed and warm will help rh stay high what you want, then slowly introduce to veg stage
You say 8 days old, have you incubated them ? Cut a bottle in half poke a hole in for breathing, shes still a seedling so therefore rh should be 80 to 90, also another top tip run your incubater green house under a hot tap let excess water out so its just splashed and warm will help rh stay high what you want, then slowly introduce to veg stage
You say 8 days old, have you incubated them ? Cut a bottle in half poke a hole in for breathing, shes still a seedling so therefore rh should be 80 to 90, also another top tip run your incubater green house under a hot tap let excess water out so its just splashed and warm will help rh stay high what you want, then slowly introduce to veg stage
I had indeed but good tips, cheers
Is the flow rate high enough to aerate the water? Is there a gap between the end of the table(s) and the res?

The only time I've overwatered in NFT was when I filled a res too high and flooded the table. My pumps run constantly.

You weren't a million miles off, overwatering was defo happening.
Cheers for all the help/ tips and advice here - It is invaluable so thanks.

Update of sorts, I used everyones advice!!
I stopped the water flow, dropped the lights and put 2 bowls of water on the tray under each light to make life a bit more humid and took off 24 hours, putting it on 18/6.

Since then there's been a slow but noticeable change in these babies! Thank God!

I am certain a few things were happening; overwatering/ not humid enough, taken out of the incubator too early and then when I dropped them into the tray I had the lights way too far away and they went into some kind of sleep mode.

This batch will not be perfect but so long as I dont mess up again, should give me enough to get through the next couple of months and then the next batch of autos will be ideal. I hope :)

Thanks for all the help