Outdoor Late Bloomer Grow Journal

Bummer about losing all those posts, due to ‘the big crash of ‘18!”

Here’s an update.

We’re still in this crazy wet weather scenario that’s totally contrary to our normal weather. It’s overcast and humid following the 9 day rain that brought us 20” of rain - in a place that gets 24” of rain ANNUALLY! So, it’s been tough. My young Dinafem XXL Cheese Auto is getting really lime green and it’s kinda worrying me. I’m hoping she can get dried out and that there’s no damage done. But, there’s more rain in the forecast for this weekend. I’m going to try to rig up some shelter for them by the end of the week or I may bring them under cover. I just dont have a lot of room under cover.

Here’s the Paul’s Super Dense Auto at day 37 after some more training.

Here’s my young Dinafem XXL Cheese Auto that’s worrying me - Day 28


Paul’s Chrystal Aurora Auto - Day 39 - her sister, germed at the same time, is in the background. Stunted but filling up with budding. Lol! The big girl has gotten a little LST.

Here’s my oldest plant, a ILGM Amnesia Haze that never got real big but she’s putting on the flower. I did a little defoliating the other day to try and help improve airflow. I think she looks good for what she is.


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I thought I’d invite @Green Goblin after seeing his amazing organic growing! Lots to learn from him.
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We’ve got more rain in the forecast. I don’t know what the hell is going on with our normally almost arid climate but I’m SICK of it and the drowning of my girls. So, today I built a quick shelter for them. I’ve never built one of these before and it ain’t pretty....but I think it’ll keep most of the rain of them and allow them to continue to dry out. Sure hope it’ll stay up

@Waira was encouraging me to keep them dry and I’ve finally listened. Lol. Tomorrow they’re going to get a good strong feed.

Will they still get the light they need through that 4mil clear plastic? Thundershowers are supposed to be intermixed with sunshine.


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Dang, I haven’t updated in a while! Oops! Alright, here we go...

Paul’s Super DenseAutos Day 42. They’ve really responded to the LSTing and I’m super happy with them! Very easy to grow so far. If they produce a good twirl I’ll be growing lots more of these inexpensive US bred seeds!

My oldest girl, a ILGM Amnesia Haze Autos at 53 days. She’s super healthy and packing on the buds! Yesterday she got a good feeding that included some Bud Explosion, some Medina Hasta Grow Plant Plus, Sweet Candy and some myco:
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Here, in the foreground, is another ILGM Amnesia Haze Auto (also 53 days) that stunted very early on. I kept her around, though, and “low & behold” she just started growing one day. It’s as if time stopped for her because she has outgrown the girl above but has only recently started flowering. Very strange for an auto but I’m curious to see what she’ll produce in the end. I don’t isualky show her but, what the heck!!

Here’s my 2 Paul’s Chrystal Aurora Autos that couldn’t be more different at day 46. One is a total dwarf that’s just packing on the buds. She’s probably only 11” tall, lol! The other girl is close to 2’ tall and still stretching a bit but really beginning to put on some bud. I’m hoping she’s going to respond to the new feeding regimen. The bigger girl had some yellowing fan leaves (just a few) with signs of what could be septoria. So she and the rest of the garden got some Serenade and I top dressed her with some mushroom compost:
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Here’s my 2 ILGM White Widow Autos at day 38. The taller one is about 20” tall without the LSTing. The other is a little shorter. They suffered from some yellowing because of all the rain shortly after transplant; and they’re in small 3 gallon pots. They’re absolutely responding to the feeding of Mega Crop and Bud Explosion, though!
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Finally, my youngest girl, a Dinafem XXL Cheese Auto at day 34 and growing like...well, a weed! Lol. She got a little pale but I fed her a big meal of Mega Crop and Bud Explosion and she’s already getting darker. The massive rain right after her move to a new grow bag and going from inside to outside made her nutrient poor. But we’re on the road to recovery and I have high hopes for her:
It got windy and I went to check the ladies and my neglect got a spotlight shown on it! I should have supported them long ago. The main cola on my biggest Paul’s Super Dense Auto way laid over! It’s prolly been that way since last night. It hadn’t snapped but it split in the middle. Ugh.
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I wrapped the break with grafting tape and supported it with a bamboo stake. The bud still looked fine. I’m hoping that it’ll recover since the break was more like a super crop and she’s not that far into flower.
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Here’s a great picture of the bud itself. Ain’t she ‘putty?’ Sure hope she survives!

Hope @TheMongol comes and checks out my journal! :pass:
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Climate change is real! I think rain will stop soon at yours and plants can finish in time!

Harvested some more and it’s hanging in the drying room now. Just wanted to post some trophy photos. For my first grow in more than 25 years and my first Autos ever, I’m pretty happy! I know I can do a lot better and that I WILL do a lot better; but this is a great start. Thanks to all my friends on AFN that have and continue to help me! Special shoutout to @912Skell who walked me through a lot of this grow and continues to inspire me.










A solid 7 weeks of rain (45” for Christ’s sake!) didn’t make for the dense buds I would have liked. They’re ok, but not great, in that regard. What I’ve sampled is nice smoke and tasty. Just not dense bugs that regular sunshine would have gotten. Not much you can do when you have weather that’s never occurred in recorded history. Lol! I’m just glad I brought them in with minimal bud rot!