Outdoor Landrace Afghani 1 DNA genetics.

Hopefully I will be growing my Pakistan Valley landrace from WOS real soon too brother. I plan on cs here to make fem seeds as well bro! I am with you. I am too old and there are way too many strains I want to grow and males are a bitch when I am not breeding!
My upper balcony only gets sun from sun up until about 2 PM and I am growing in containers that are about 5 gsllons. I have never really measured them. They might be a little bigger. The raised beds get a lot of sun. I think the raised beds get to sink their roots deeper. The raised beds get a lot of sheep manure dumped in them every year. My balcony upstairs containers are planted in a soil mix that I buy. It is very nice stuff with compost added but it wears out later in the year and I have to support it with More Bloom. My wife grows in containers and uses fish emulsion to feed hers.

I think the raised beds outgrow the containers about two to one on the average.
I wanted to point out that the upper balcony has never been eaten by rabbits, ground hogs or deer. Not accessable to the 2 legged thieves as well.
The nice thing about pots is I can move them. If i get a notion to move the Afghan 1 downstairs to breed her to a Chemdog which I am tempted to do is easily done.

My upper balcony only gets sun from sun up until about 2 PM and I am growing in containers that are about 5 gsllons. I have never really measured them. They might be a little bigger. The raised beds get a lot of sun. I think the raised beds get to sink their roots deeper. The raised beds get a lot of sheep manure dumped in them every year. My balcony upstairs containers are planted in a soil mix that I buy. It is very nice stuff with compost added but it wears out later in the year and I have to support it with More Bloom. My wife grows in containers and uses fish emulsion to feed hers.

I think the raised beds outgrow the containers about two to one on the average.
Afghani #1 is also one of my favorites. I got some free seeds two years ago from Dope-Seeds and have grown them the last two years. Like yours they stay short, yield well, and turn a little purple late in the grow. Love the smell and taste as well as the mellow stone. It's been one of the most common breeding strains for many years and has been incorporated into many of today's top strains.

If your interested in pure landrace strains, check out the Real Seed Company. http://www.therealseedcompany.com/
I just got emailed from someone who told me they were from California and their favorites from their local dispensery were Trainwreck, Chemdog and Afghani # !. They wanted me to breed all three to each other for her. I told her this would be a big project. Did she want the seeds femmed as well I wondered. Wow I thought to myself with all the new stuff on the market why is she after this collection of old bones. I grow em cause they are short, yield well, and the pot is good. I eventually told her that breeding is a crap shoot sometimes you get something good or at least decent but many many times you would be better off just growing any of the three types as are and I think femmed seed is available for all of them.
I just recently had the pleasure of smoking some afghnani 1 and was pleasantly surprised by how much i liked it. I wound up getting 2 freebie seeds from my last order at Herbies and will be growing them out very in my next go round!
It is still in my top ten of plants to grow. Maybe in the top five of plants to smoke. It is a great older strain that really stands the test of time. It is also a great plant to do home breeding with. I get better results and more consistant results when I use it as the plant to breed to. Just great for stealth outside growing.

Are you going to grow it inside or outside Spel?
We have 2 seasons where i live. Winter and Construction.

Lol , sounds like where I live . Fall , winter spring , then jump right back into fall . Growing season here is only 4-5 months if you are willing to take the chance with frosts