La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Team HQ.

LBH Selection -- Round 1 Day 39

Didn't really look, let alone take photos, of the older girls yesterday during transplant of the little ones (below).
So, how are they doing?

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That's the two strain #3 plants, looking good.
A bit of yellowing and some kind of deficiency (??) down low on the taller plant.
I gave all the plants, old and new, a good top dress with:
Chicken fertilizer 3-5-5 + Ca, a similar NPK of organic pellet fert, kelp powder, diatomaceous earth, and mycorrhizae.

The taller plant on the right:
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Nice structure to her, shaping up well.
Same plant, from her crown:
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I thought she had almost finished her stretch, but obviously not, she has a bit more to go, at least.
She's about 45cm+ = 18"+ tall, which means she's put on about 10cm = 4" in the last week.
Maybe she'll hit 60cm = 24" if we're lucky!
She's going to be mostly one long bud, as not much branching, but the top cola should be good!

The smaller girl, on the left, is a different basic phenotype from the look of things:
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Shorter, tighter and more dense floral formations.
Almost looks like the pistils are also either very short, or have quickly wilted in the rain.
From above:
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Looking at this, maybe it's just very tight with super short pistils?
Haven't seen this kind of apical crown shape before.
Whatever the case, she's obviously not got much more height left to put out of her.

And, of course, how could we forget, the tiny little strain #2 girl.
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She's actually shot up in the last week, now maybe 18cm = 7" tall!
Might get a gram, maybe two, a fat j or two out of her.
Just hope she puts out enough trichomes and terpenes to suggest which strain she was!!

LBH Selection -- Round 2 Day 11

These are the little ones just planted out yesterday.
How did they do after a fairly cool night out and a bit of rain...??

Let's start with the two small and rather struggling strain #2 plants:
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That coco coir in the local dirt is a bit obvious!
But, the main thing is, they are still alive.
The first critical 24 hours have safely passed, which is a big relief.

Not far away from her are the two medium sized, thin leaf pheno strain #3 seedlings:
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More coco coir poking out from the transplant, but otherwise looking just fine.

And over near the older Round 1 strain #3 ladies-in-bloom, the two larger Round 2 strain #1 seedlings:
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Also looking just fine after their first 24 hours outside, considering it was a bit cool (down to maybe 18C).
The cloudy weather helps, keeps the high temps and sun-burn away.
One of these strain #1 girls was leaning a bit before plant out, but they look fine, not too close together, which gives them room, less crowding.

As mentioned above, all the plants, Round 1 and 2, got a good top dressing.
Mainly higher P and K, though still some N in there, ratios about 3-5-5.
Includes high Ca Chicken fertilizer, which all herbs need.
It is rated at pH 8, but don't worry, the actual rainfall around here is quite acidic,
around pH 5.0 to 5.5, so this should help balance it out.
Plus diatomaceous earth, may help in case of slugs / snails, though haven't seen any.
Also kelp meal and mycorrhizae for general health.
Looked like a lot of top dressing, but will take a while for the rain to soak it, break it down, and make available.

Next plan is to visit again in 4 weeks, check for sex / flowering on Round 2 plants.
And gauge how far to harvest for Round 1 (though they obviously won't be ready by then).
That's what I say, but I'll probably end up visiting them every week, because I can't stay away.

All the best, amigos and amigas, stay stay, grow on, be happy.
Love and hugs,
Feel a bit bad as am hijacking this thread a bit... still, we're here to showcase La Buena Hierba strains!

Have been comparing this grow to my Sweet Seeds + FastBuds grow a couple of years ago.
Similar time of year, though this one is a bit earlier, Feb 22 vs April 3, 5 weeks difference!
That was in the mountains though, lower temps for the time of year and even more rain.

I had those plants start in slightly larger pots, and potted up into 11L, all under lights for first 3 weeks.
Whereas these went into the soil, free root space with no pots now, but less time indoors.
I now know that plants don't have to be that big to survive an outdoor transplant.

10-11 days from popping out of the soil is enough, could even go less I think, maybe 7 days.

The time in smaller pots and less time under lights has kept these ones smaller though.
The question will be the influence on overall yield, sometimes the lowers yield very little.

In terms of their growth and development, they are quite similar in floral development.
Maybe that will mean 9 weeks will be ready to harvest these, keeping a close eye on things.

Am thinking about a possible Round 3, again, another 1 month / 4 weeks after Round 2.
Ideal harvest time would be late June, because June weather has the best sun, but July starts typhoon season.
Starting mid-April would give 8-10 weeks to end of June.
Still have 4 seeds left of each of three strains, another round of 2 seeds each, leaves just 2 seeds / strain left.
Plus the Sannies' Killing Fields, maybe I should drop two of those, but they are 10-12 week strains... late June - mid-July...
Probably should have dropped those for this round 2 already.
Unless I start Round 3 a bit earlier.
Like now... ???
Thanks for the tip @Shiva's Mistress. I am an outdoor and soil newbie, having cut my teeth and spending my early years learning DWC growing. I have some Mephisto seeds that I have started in solo cups that I am planning on transplanting to outdoor earthboxes. I am deciding between squeezing them in my little indoor cabinet for the time being, or having them chill outside where they will live. My cabinet is on a 20 hour lights on cycle, And I am concerned about starting them off with that and then having the, get adjusted to a 13 hour “lights on” cycle in early April in Northern California. I am a little concerned about what the dramatic shift in light hours might do to them.
Thanks for the tip @Shiva's Mistress. I am an outdoor and soil newbie, having cut my teeth and spending my early years learning DWC growing. I have some Mephisto seeds that I have started in solo cups that I am planning on transplanting to outdoor earthboxes. I am deciding between squeezing them in my little indoor cabinet for the time being, or having them chill outside where they will live. My cabinet is on a 20 hour lights on cycle, And I am concerned about starting them off with that and then having the, get adjusted to a 13 hour “lights on” cycle in early April in Northern California. I am a little concerned about what the dramatic shift in light hours might do to them.

Hope my posts have provide some info for those like yourself growing autos in (near) 12/12 light cycle situations outdoors.
I would definitely give them as much time indoors under lights as you can, for now.
Moving them outside, can acclimatize them to the sunlight with morning or late afternoon sun, or on cloudy days.
It usually only takes a couple of days like this, and then they'll be fine outside.
I spend far too much time reading the weather forecasts...
Send me sound north Cal sunshine, please!!!
Where are you, Mendocino, Sonoma, ...?
Hope my posts have provide some info for those like yourself growing autos in (near) 12/12 light cycle situations outdoors.
I would definitely give them as much time indoors under lights as you can, for now.
Moving them outside, can acclimatize them to the sunlight with morning or late afternoon sun, or on cloudy days.
It usually only takes a couple of days like this, and then they'll be fine outside.
I spend far too much time reading the weather forecasts...
Send me sound north Cal sunshine, please!!!
Where are you, Mendocino, Sonoma, ...?
Cool. So, you don’t think shifting from 20 hours of light to 13-14 when transplanted would cause any issues?

I am in the Sacramento area. Temps have been great recent;ly, but hard to really enjoy with everything going on. Thankfully, I have my little zen garden! Are you in Cali, too? Would love to send you some sunshine for sure! Lol!
Cool. So, you don’t think shifting from 20 hours of light to 13-14 when transplanted would cause any issues?

I am in the Sacramento area. Temps have been great recent;ly, but hard to really enjoy with everything going on. Thankfully, I have my little zen garden! Are you in Cali, too? Would love to send you some sunshine for sure! Lol!

I don't think would cause any issues.

The question for autos, whether or not they mature faster, slower or the same, under 12/12 or lower light cycles, remains to be seen...

I'm in a good old-fashioned War on Drugs country... but get over to California every now and then, mainly the Bay, up to friends in Sonoma and Mendocino.
Hope to maybe work there one day, kind of maybe had a job lined up (but this virus!!!), and grow legally in my own garden.
Enjoyed some legal dispensary product on my last visit, so much fun!!!!!
Cool! I will let them grow a bit indoors, maybe a couple weeks, before setting them free!

I remembered my first time in a CA dispensary After moving from NY. It blew my mind! So many strains, and the wonderful aromas! I felt like a kid in a candy store! But growing my own weed! Never thought I could do that! Loving it!

Thanks for your help @Shiva's Mistress!
LBH Selections

Couldn't help myself, and had an evening visit while the site was free of traffic.
Temps have been around high of 21C and low of maybe 17C in the last few days, plus some light rain.

Round 1 -- Day 42


These two earlier strain #3 girls are looking good!
I should probably push them apart a little, give the smaller one more light and space.
The taller one on the right is getting busy up top, showing those thin sativa leaves.
The smaller on the left is firming up a little, obviously two different flowering phenos here.
The lower yellowing looks like its stopped and not progressed.

Round 2 -- Day 14

How are the new seedlings that were only transplanted out a couple of days ago?

Strain #1 pair

Looking happy there!
They've put out another set of leaves since plant out, five days ago, so indicates they have settled in.
I like how the leaves have gone from 1, to 3, then straight to 6 and 7 points, strong sign of vegetative health and vigor.

Strain #2 pair

Looking a bit funky, but at least the larger one is health, and the smaller one still alive!

Strain #3 pair

Not the best angle, as the slightly bigger one has a leaf blocking the smaller one.
But these two have also put out another set of leaves since plant out, so that's a good sign too.

Weather has been cooler, not enough to stop them, but not ideal.
Hopefully temps will be back up to 25C+ in a few days, with more sun.

All is good in La Buena Hierba guerilla camp!

Love and hugs
A guerilla grow! Love it.everything looks so wild and natural. I am subbed and will be watching how they do out there! So far so good! Why do you think there is so much variance III growth with the girls in the second and third runs?