Grow Room KsjA`s perpetual micro hydro

Amnesia freebee
Day 18
Shes alittle small for her age,well last ph tjeck was 4,8 lol.
Light dimmed to 60w, pwm dimmer is finished, but i smoked to much of the blue automazar while doing it :baked:, so itˋs missing 2 key components to work properly. ”work in progress”.


Canna Aqua vega
Ghe Bioroot plus
Ratio. 8 / 5
Ppm 565
Ph 5.8 -- 6.2 ish :doh:
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Amnesia freebee
Day 24
Topped above 5´th node on day 21.
Waiting for some preflower stretch.

Itś like watching paint dry waiting for flowers.
So heres a random mugshot from an earlier harvest

Canna Aqua vega
Ghe Bioroot plus
Ratio. 6 / 7
Ppm 575
Ph 5.7 -- 6.2

10v pwm dimmer
Its dimming both led panels (2 led drivers / 4 cobs). So the wattage calculations is from both drivers (100% = 111w messured from wall socket).
Its accurate dowm to 60% +- of 1 watt.
Then the led drivers starts to be inefficient (acording to spec sheet)
% of dimming is linear. Mah. (amps) output from driver is also linear. (Acording to spec sheet.)
Pwm. Freq is 520hz. Im prop. Gonna bump that up a little to 1500-2500 ish hz. When i have the time to look (read) about prescale and timer libs. (prop not gonna happed ).
led driver have a mcu on the dim input. so upping the pwm freq will have no effect at all.
So at 61% dim 68w 427mah. cobs at 150is lm/w. thats not bad for old cxa2530 .
Yeah i know fish eats umols, and solar panels drinks lumens. Plants farts ppf.. and all that jazz.
Stay green
Lcd backlight off

Lcd backlight on
Ups a typo on the lcd

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Amnesia freebee

Day 34

She´s in preflower stretch (maybe). No stretch under the new cob panels.
Invironment completly changed with the new light.
So might be the little difference between day and night time temps 4c :).24c to 20c

Notes attiny85: pwm and delay functions is a nono. Remove delay and/Ore change prescaler :-(.
Canna Aqua vega
Ghe Bioroot plus
Grotek calmax
Ratio. 11 / 5 / 1
Ppm 760
Ph 5.7 -- 6.2

Amnesia freebee
Day 38

Well im more ore less, back to my old growing schedule, so amnesia is looking steller. I borrowed a lux meter from a friend..So much easier to adjust light, than with a ruler. Donˋt really care if its accurate ore not. If plant likes 28.000 lux at canopy and dontˋt like 35.000. (Use your imagination).
Easy!!.. Right!!!. Ordered one for 15$.
She had som defoliation( top ) and some pruning( Bottom ).
I'm not completely satisfied with my pwm light dimmer (yet). And i need to get that fixed, before i start to assemble the last 2 cob panels with 1212 3000k/3500k.

Canna Aqua vega
Ghe Bioroot plus
Grotek calmax
Ratio. ? / ? / ?
Ppm 940
Ph 5.8 -- 6.2

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Amnesia freebee
Day 45

Looking healthy.
She had som defoliation (top) and some pruning( lover branches ).
Im really, really happy with the performance of these 2 cob panels, and can´t wait to get those 1212 panels build.
Delicious Critical neville haze will be my next sat.dom. strain to grow.
Attiny85 10v pwm dimmer.. Well it canˋt run a pwm signal while communicating with i2c (lcd
display). It hangs / freezes while still dimming :nono:.
So iˋll build a new one using a arduino nano. With 2 pwm signals dimming 4 cob panels.
Problem solved, Thought for a moment it was my fault:shrug:.

Dutch Pro bloom hydro/cocos Autoflowering
Ppm 1033 Anything this high in my setup = preflower
Ph 5.8 -- 6.2
Amnesia freebee
Day 59

Changed to cyco platinum series bloom (Just because).
I did prefer dutch pro over canna aqua flores tho:smoking:.

Cyco platinum series bloom
Grotek cal max
Ratio 21/1
Ppm 1000 ish
Ph 5.8 -- 6.2
Critical neville haze
Day 6


Canna aqua vega
Ghe bioroot plus
Ratio 3/5
Ppm 450
Ph 5.7 – 6.1

I like that amnesia!

I don't know why more people aren't using the dutchpro nutes. They work well
I like that amnesia!

I don't know why more people aren't using the dutchpro nutes. They work well
Me too. it aint outgrowing my tent :-). I have some more sativas i whant to try out this year Seeds of life: sol haze / kabala / Nordika + some i cant remember :-). I used the dutchpro for a year now, 7-8 grows, only complaint is that itˋs "weak", to reach the same ppm as canna ore cyco, it takes 28-33% more nutes, on a bigger grow, its expensive. but im only using 125ml ish. pr grow.
Stay green.

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