Grow Room KsjA`s perpetual micro hydro

Zambeza seeds White widow xl
Beginning of preflower stretch. Time to some l.s.t..
another go with the dutch pro autoflowering nutes. the mephisto looks okay afterall
the dutch pro nutes isnˋt as strong as the canna using 20-30 % more, to get the same ppm.
Day 27

PPM 745
Dutch pro autoflowering bloom
Ghe bio root
Ratio 14/5
ph 6.0-6-2
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Zambeza seeds White widow xl
L.s.t. and topped
Day 35

PPM 870 ish
Dutch pro bloom hydro autoflowering
Ratio 18/??
ph 5.9-6.2

tooth x alien Mephisto

Dried out again.well she prop getting used to it by now :baked:.slight crispy burnt buds under the light :doh:.
harvest next weekend.
Arduino update
RTC Clock installed. 4 channel relay box almost finished.
Pump 1. and light vegtent. Finished testing.
PH automode minor bugs :)
Pump 2 and light flower tent. Gonna be programmed when i have the time to build my diy led panel
(cxa2530 3000 kelvin 4 x 20w. 2 x Meanwell lcm 60. moduled 9980 sinks)
a gift from a friend 
Its still crude but getting there..
Screenshot menu/settings.


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Zambeza seeds White widow xl
Looks like im gonna finish this bottle/s of dutch pro nute.. zerro cal / mag def. ore P. def..
phosphorus def. i had on all my grows with canna aqua.Trying out an ripleys og again just to see if any difference in the "new" bloom nutes.
Day 59

PPM 670 ish
Dutch pro bloom hydro "autoflowering"
Canna pk
Ratio 16/2
ph 5.9-6.2
Toof x Alien Mephisto
85,9g rh at 62%
75-80 watts
Not bad after 12 res changes with no ph tjeck. and dried out 5-6 times.
Gonna dry sift half of it.​
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Zambeza seeds White widow xl
Day 76

Nute uptake is starting to slow down. Sheˋs looking great

PPM 590 ish
Dutch pro hydro autoflowering
Canna pk
Ratio ??
ph 5.9-6.2

Ripleys Og Mephisto
Day 1

This is the second ripleys i grow. Looking forward to se how the dutch pro nute is working out. The last one wasnˋt the biggest plant

Adding nutes and bio root in a couple of days
Those are looking great! Do you use the explode bloom supplement? Dutchpro is good stuff
Thanx man
Im all new to the dutch pro nutes, and im not using the explode, im adding canna pk instead.
i need to grow some of the strains i have growed before, to see if it any good.
Starting out with the ripleys og, next one will prop. be critical jack herer from delicious seeds (one of my fav.)
Still hunting strains that will yield 100g in my tiny tent.
Stay green
The explode works well! One of the larger plants grown on here used the full regiment. Its used in with the bloom foods. Yours are looking fantastic
i am seriously considering giving dutch pro a go this winter....right now i am running Green PLanet and it works great, but i would like to give DutchPro a run. Seems ike you are doing well with them Ksj!
i am seriously considering giving dutch pro a go this winter....right now i am running Green PLanet and it works great, but i would like to give DutchPro a run. Seems ike you are doing well with them Ksj!
its still early days, but the base nutes is working fine. starting to have som mag. def. propperly new it was going in that direction.
I had a look at the green planet stuff. the gp3 micro and bloom == lucas formula.. But your are propperly using their outdoor stuff.
i had great succes with the lucas formula on my photo grow many moons ago.
Stay green

Mag. Def. Due to human error. Calibrated my ph meter. lol
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