Dinafem KonopCH Critical+ 2.0 and White widow XXL

Jul 8, 2016
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I have planted 4 seeds into 250ml cups, into lightmix. Just to save some perlite/coco mix because I haven't received airdomes yet and I cannot plant directly in 15L autopots. So they will be in 250ml soil for 7-10 days.
Then I will transplant them into 70/30 perlite/coco. Notice that, more perlite than coco!

Right now my Auto orange buds (look into signature) is in 70/30 coco/perlite.
So we will see what is better... 70% coco or 70% perlite...

They will veg under 65W CREE COB for 3 weeks, then they will go under 220W Citizen COBs, which I will slowly increasing, starting from 85W.
Nice to see you back with another Dinafem grow mate :thumbsup:

Needless to say I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest :pass:

100% germination is always a great start to a grow and I'm sure this is a sign for a very successful grow to come :bong:

Thank you again for documenting your grow on the AFN forum and I'll be back in on the next update mate until then keep up the great work!

All the best

They are 3 days old now... CR+ 2.0 on the left side, and WW XXL on the right side. I already see CR+ 2.0 are bigger which is amazing difference in 3 days.
Pots are ready, I hope they will take "shock" - repoting from soil to perlite/coco. Repoting in a 4-5 days...

First ten days or so not much going on up top but once those roots hit watch out. And in autopots. These girls should get nice and big.

Yep, small leaves = smaller photosinthesis = slow grow.
Biggest difference on top of the pot is indeed between 25-45 days.
I just hope they will take stress without troubles when I will repot them.

Should be nice grow, enjoy and welcome! :cheers:
Yeah I think that depends on how root bound they get before the transfer. If u had your airdomes and could transplant before they rooted out the cup u wouldn’t see any stress really.