Indoor Kk's multi strain garden

Yeah mate, just had problems with where i live its a really long story but ill put it short. I was possibly having to move out of my accommodation where i was staying, so i ripped my 2x Speed devil's out and binned them and harvested my AB a week earlier then i wanted to. I planned on giving the AB a 10-14 day flush but only resulted in 2-3 day flush.(although apparently with organics flushing is not necessary). 120G from the AB wet, im averaging around 30G prolly off her, she has been drying for 7 days in a brown bag and was moved to curing jars yesterday.(have ordered a RH meter for my jars).
Kinda pissed i had to pull 2 of my girls but iv run them before so wasn't really an issue just glad i got to cut the AB down.
I still have my Afghan kush ryder running along with my Blue cheese running under my 250w in my other space which i will update TODAY.(possibly 2mos haha). AKR has exploded in growth in the last 1-2 weeks and can't wait to get a pic up.
BC and AKR are week 5 today, been feeding 1m grow + 1m alg-a-mic. per 1L. Will bump up to 1.5m and add 0.5 cal-mag in todays feed.
Also unable to do a review on the VIPAR unit as of yet as i never managed to complete flowering with the SD girls but never mind there is always next time.
I have plenty of strains to run after this AKR and BC are done in my other space. Will get a few pics up of my collection so guys can possibly help me choose my next baby to run in a 15L under my MS006.

few pics of my harvested AB.

Day 35 AKR+BC

Both girls together can really see the difference between them now(sorry for pic being sideways).


LST'd her a bit more today so she branches out a bit more, also gave her a little bat guano today to prepare her for flowering will introduce flower nutes next week.


Also LST'd but no guano for her as shes not as big as the AKR prob give her some maybe next week+also introduce flower nutes, maybe a week n a 1/2.

Sorry to hear about that bro. That must have been hard to do. The ABB looks great though! And 30g isn't a bad amount to harvest in a hurry.

Yeah I couldn't do it at first, really couldn't. But eventually I just thought F this and did it, so heartbreaking to cut plants down. Anyways I weighed the ABB today and she come out just over 30G lol. So yeah not bad I guess but prolly cula got more if I left her.
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Sorry to hear you couldn't continue your grow, I can only imagine how devastating it is to end earlier than expected, at least you came out with some bud better than none at all...
Day 37(or38)not entirely sure.

Afghan Kush Ryder started to develop some yellow spotting on some of the top leaves.(only on a couple). I found my light a little to close to my AKR the other day and temps going over 30. The yellow spotting has started to turn into like rusted leaves(mostly on the edges) and has effected 6 or 7 leaf's at most by this point in time.
I didn't feed my girls any flower nutes till week 5 so it may either be a potassium problem or just to hot and it burnt the foliage. I do have a picture below:


You can certainly see the different characteristics of the 2 strains now as well now that they have got bigger.
The Blue Cheese is about the same size as the AKR now as she has come into stretch and the flowers are coming along nicely.

Blue Cheese:

Affected leaf:

Both now are being fed with 3mil grow, 2mil bloom, 1mil cal-mag, 2mil alg-a-mic, 1mil topmax. 2Litre Jug. Fed with 1L each.

Having big problems now with heat as the weather has spruced up over here now, so i will either be adding L.E.D to my loft space, or i may just install another 4" inline to exhaust the hot air out. We shall see, will also feed Blue Cheese girl with Bat Guano in a day or 2 as she is now catching up with the AKR.