August 19th Update. Chopping these babies tomorrow! These are all Blackberry Stone's courtesy @briman . Would like to thank @Kindsoil again for the opportunity to test this out!

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Even the popcorn buds are frosty as heck:

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This is the only plant out of the group that gave me fits. Some deficiencies creeped in about mid-grow. It still recovered pretty well, but didn't quite reach it's max potential for sure:

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looking real good Hobbes! Love the purple phenos for sure! A little less of a kick to the groin than a white pheno, but the flavor is outstanding!

I have multiple of the Blackberry (not grown with Kind Soil) that I'm also harvesting right now, I think some may be the white pheno (because they sure the heck aren't purple lol.) Want some feedback on them?
absolutely! Again, they are F1's and I have never grown them out!! If you like the white or purple better, let me know. Give me Mrs. Hobbes opinion what she likes better and it will help me select where to head with the F2 selection process this fall. :thumbsup:

Will do brother! If I can pull her away from the Stone Dragon Black. She dosed herself on it last night, she asked me to roll a J and smoke it with her, so rolled one up in the other room, spent a few minutes looking at some forum stuff, and found her almost passed out in bed. "Go smoke it without me." So I did! Got halfways through it and had to quit :rofl:

I have some Tombstones finishing up too, those are definitely the bigger plants out of the lot.

I have a buddy trying to break into growing, I'm going to recommend the Kind Soil to him to start his first ever grow with. I'll coach him through it but he'll be blown away with what he can do with good lights, good soil (in this case,) and good genetics. Ditch the dealer!