Outdoor Kc brains - kc 45

still growing, no sings of bloom-gender.


  • 20140619_205235.jpg
    110.8 KB · Views: 95
Looking good so far. Should be flowering by now...I think.
It's nice too see kc 45 grow journal.KC45 isn't autoflower.It has ruderalis genes but it is not auto.She is early finisher, mid septembar.Good luck and be patient.
today gets hoter hour by hour. i left my job for 1 hour and went to water them. temp as you can see 41.7 c, humidity 31%.


  • 20140626_1312211.jpg
    148.7 KB · Views: 99
I have kc brains kc 45 in my fridge. It says auto on the packet.
oooo i had no idea!!! this means tha i must whait till late august to see gender and feed them all 9. they are going to be huge! what am i going to do??? i can t hide them! i must find a new location for them...
It says on the packet auto but it's not.

KC only started selling autos this year as far as I know. You may have some that were mislabeled, hard to say. I'm growing some KC White. A beautiful plant I must say. Its in my greenhouse and is about 4 feet tall now and hasn't shown sex yet...lol! And a warning, I read a bit about KC Brains and he likes BIG plants so that's part of his breeding program!